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The other day, my friend was telling me a theory about the Pokemon creation he read on the internet. It goes something like this.
Arceus was born from an egg in darkness. Than, he made Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, and Mew. Space started to expand and time started to... start. Arceus made the planet. He than made humans, the lake trio, and went into a great slumber. Mew created all the Pokemon on the planet. It made Jirachi to assist Palkia and made Celebi to assist Dialga. It made Groudon and Kyogre to rule the land and the sea and Rayquazza to rule the air. The Regis were created to help Groudon. Heatran was also made to assist Groudon. Manaphy and Phione were made to help Kyogre. Darkrai and Cresselia were made to control the moon. The legendary birds were made to control the seasons. When they fought in fall, Lugia was made to control them. Ho-oh was made to control the sun. When a Flareon, Jolteon, and Glaceon died in a burning building, Ho-oh resurrected them into much stronger being and thus the legendary beasts were made.
His theory was something like this. Is this theory true or at least some what accurate?


1 Answer

5 votes

I think he might be referring to this chart which links all legendaries to each other.

Some points:

  • Arceus did make the time trio (Dialga, Palkia & Giratina), and also the lake trio (Mesprit, Uxie & Azelf).
  • In some legends, Arceus only created Sinnoh and Ransei; in other legends, Arceus created the Pokemon universe.
  • As for Arceus creating other Pokemon apart from 2 trios mentioned, it's not confirmed or talked about.
  • Mew is the ancestor of all Pokemon; it's never been said or confirmed that Mew created anything consciously, but instead was the original Pokemon that gave birth to all other Pokemon, as seen by the fact that it contains the DNA of all Pokemon in its body.
  • Regigigas is separate from the weather trio; the 3 Regis were introduced in Gen III, but Regigigas was introduced in Gen IV. The 3 Regis also act as keys to Regigigas' seal, as it was sealed away by people who though it was too powerful. Regigigas has nothing to do with Groudon.
  • Heatran also has nothing to do with Groudon nor Manaphy with Kyogre in official Pokemon "folklore" (idk what else you call it).
  • Again, it's never mentioned that Darkrai and Cresselia were specifically created by Arceus.
  • Lugia is the only Pokemon that can stop the birds trio if they are disturbed (not because of a specific season) and begin to fight.
  • The theory of Suicune, Entei and Raikou being Vaporeon (not Glaceon considering that it wasn't even introduced until Gen IV), Flareon and Jolteon is a very common and popular theory, but not confirmed. The "evidence" is that the dogs trio's hidden abilities are the same as the original 3 Eeveelutions' normal abilities.
That's probably where he got the info from. Thanks for your answer!
I hope they introduce the pokemon of which Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem came from!
Yeah, same here.
according to the pokemon entry in soulsilver version (generation four remake of pokemon silver (gen 2)) Lugia was said to be the guardian of the seas, hence, like palkia and dialga (as mentiond by brock in the animay) are tha guardians of time and space and arceus, like kyogre, is the ruler of time and space, kyogre of the seas, henceforth, ho-oh may actually be the guardian of the land as well as the sun, of course, considering oh-oh is associated with the sun, lugia should be associated with the moon, but i suppose in a way, lugia is associated with the moon because the moon (in real life) controls the tide and lugia has the ability the control the tied (considering it is the guardien and palkia & dialga can control time and space as guardians) and hence is associated with the moon.
@loomhigh123555 please refrain from commenting on old posts.
Even though flareon vaporeon and jolteon turning into these 3 beasts makes sense the old man says "the rainbow Pokémon GAVE these three Pokémon the power of the lightning that attacked the tower, the fire that burned the tower down and the rain that stopped the fire" gave is the key word here meaning flareon vaporeon and jolteon aren't the 3 that died there but possibly something else something close to what we've believed and I believe they were three eevee because as said by fondant the 3 beasts ha is the same as the eeveelutions normal abilities and is the only known Pokémon that can change into a fire electric or water type from evolution but hey that's ju- no wait that's copy written
something i do not understand with kyogre/groudon conflict is why lugia did not interfere with the conflict. according to the pokemon soulsilver entry, it is the guardian of the seas
Because Kyogre and Groudon come from Hoenn.  Rayquaza is the protector of all of Hoenn.  It is the only legendary/mythical in-game Pokemon to be able to calm Kyogre and Groudon.  The reason why Lugia cannot intervene is because it is the guardian of the seas of Johto, not Hoenn.