PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes
  • Either a Defensive or Sp.Defensive Tank, Or even Both
  • Not a Legendary but can be Psuedo
  • Has access to offensive moves and not limited to status moves
  • Obtainable in X/Y without Pokebank
  • Can Evolve
  • Can be used Competivily
THERE ARE SO MANY. Wait, by can evolve, do you mean pokemon that are NFE (not fully evolved) or in other words have an evolution ahead of them, or just pokemon that are part of an evolutionary line.
Im talking about ONLY the ones catchable in X/Y and that limits your options. Im talking about ones that can evolve such as Dusclops could be better as a Duskinoir.

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Goodra is your guy.

It has 150 Special Defense that rivals Registeel.
It has an extensive offensive movepool that covers all of its weaknesses and more.
It has great abilities in Sap Sipper, Hydration (comboed with Rain Dance) and Gooey.
It is in OU, and has good use there.

Sample Moveset:
Goodra @ Assault Vest
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 128 Def, 128 HP
Nature: Quiet (^SpAtk vSpd)
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Wave
Fire Blast
Thunderbolt/Focus Blast/Ice Beam

The EVs help all of its stats it has power in. Assault Vest Goodra makes it's Special Defense shoot up to 225. Special Attacking Goodra hits hard and with its extensive coverage is a great jack-of-all-types.

Pre-Evolution Corner: Sliggoo

This is if you want a Pokemon that can evolve.
It has 113 Special Defense that rivals Suicune.
It has an extensive offensive movepool that covers all of its weaknesses and more.
It has great abilities in Sap Sipper, Hydration (comboed with Rain Dance) and Gooey.

Sliggoo @ Assault Vest
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 128 Def, 128 HP
Nature: Quiet (^SpAtk vSpd)
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Wave
Fire Blast
Thunderbolt/Focus Blast/Ice Beam

Same thing. Sliggoo can learn all of the same moves and can use them in NFE just as well as Goodra.

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Thank you so much for letting me know all these good things about Goodra/Sliggoo
You're welcome! Since you wanted one that does evolve I guess you can use Sliggoo.
1 vote

Okay when I was reading this question I immediately though of:



Aegislash has 150 in both Attack and Special Attack in Blade Form and 150 in both Defence and Special Defence in Shield Form. It's a non legendary, has access to offensive moves such as Sacred Sword, Shadow Claw etc. It's pre-evolution Honedge can be obtained fairly early in the game (Route 6) and it's been put in the Overused Category by Smogon.

Here is another one that fits this role perfectly

Mega Aggron

Mega Aggron

Mega Aggron has 70 in HP, 140 in Attack, and 230 in Defence which is excellent for this role. Not to mention that it's Ability is Filter which reduces the damage from Super Effective attacks. It's also a non legendary, has a wide Move Pool and can be obtained in Pokémon X by evolving a Aron.

Here is another one that fits this role perfectly



Snorlax has 160 HP, 110 Attack and 110 Special Defence. It's a non legendary, can be obtained in both Pokémon X and Y and has an amazing Move Pool. Fighting is the only type that is Super Effective against Snorlax and it has an amazing Ability in Thick Fat which reduces the damage of Ice and Fire type Moves.

Here is another one that fits this role perfectly

Mega Blastoise

Mega Blastoise

Mega Blastoise has 120 Defence, 135 Special Attack and 115 Special Defence which is perfect for this role. It's a non legendary and it can be obtained very early in the game as a Squirtle from Professor Sycamore. It also has a couple of good offensive Moves such as Water Pulse and Aura Sphere which are boost by it's Ability Mega Launcher.

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He wanted one that could evolve.

You can catch an Aron in X and Evolve it into a Lairon and then into an Aggron.
You can catch a Honedge in both X and Y and Evolve it into a Doublade and then into a Aegislash.
i know.
He wanted a pokemon for NFE i assume
So he wants a Pokémon that isn't fully evolved?
I assume

so idek
0 votes



-Eviolite tank
-not a legendary
-access to a range of offensive moves
-obtainable in X&Y
-evolves thrice
-very viable competitively, especially with Magnet Pull

Magneton @ Eviolite
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 100 Speed, 156 HP
Nature: Modest
-HP Fire
-Volt Switch
-Charge Beam/ Substitute

It has better defences than its evolved form if it's holding Eviolite, better speed and a base sp. atk of just 10 less than Magnezone. It does forfeit Leftovers recovery, but is a great option as a steel trapper. Volt Switch is needed to escape from any Heatrans that try to trap you.



-Sp. Def tank, boosted by Sand Stream (reaches 492 in Sand with max sp. def EV investment)
-not a legendary; is pseudo legendary
-access to a wide range of offensive moves
-obtainable in Y
-evolves thrice (four times counting its mega evolution)
-very popular & viable competitively

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP, 76 Atk, 180 Sp. Def
Nature: Sassy
-Low Kick
-Stealth Rock/ Fire Blast/ Stone Edge


Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP, 76 Atk, 180 Sp. Def
Nature: Sassy/ Careful
-Low Kick/ Super Power
-Stone Edge

Chople Berry was more viable before the introduction of Assault Vest, but in Gen VI I think Assault Vest outclasses the berry due to it boosting sp. def all round instead of just weakening one move.

I personally feel as if T-Tar has better items to use than its mega-stone, notably Lefties & the Vest, so I don't suggest Tyranitarite. Weakness Policy is another option, but Tyranitar is rather slow, so you're either going to have to pair it with D-Dance or Rock Polish.

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