Mega Lucario Webs Hyper Offense
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A standard Webs HO, featuring Smeargle as the Webs setter. I used it over Shuckle because of its less passivity, and how it can actually cripple Pokemon with Nuzzle / Glare. Paralysis is better than sleep in Ubers due to Sleep Clause which is why we don't use Spore. Nuzzle is useful as it can go through Taunt, while Glare hits Primal Groudon and GroundCeus.
Primal Kyogre + Xerneas is the special wallbreaking core, with both putting immense pressure on shared checks like Primal Groudon, and Chansey. Xerneas can prefer Focus Blast over HP Fire, but I chose that because Mega Scizor is quite annoying and the former's low accuracy. POgre is devastating under Sticky Web which secures its low speed tier.
Ultra Necrozma and Primal Groudon are the breakers you'd generally want to go with after Smeargle. NDM is pretty much of a liability due to the Choice Scarf Xerneas sets being annoying. SD Outrage can easily break past Zygarde, Giratina, DarkCeus, Yveltal as well as GroundCeus allowing Primal Groudon to clean up weakened teams.
Mega Lucario is in fact the real MVP and wincon of the team. Try to bring him as often as possible with Sticky Webs up, as it gets at least one chance to use Swords Dance per game on passive Pokemon like Arceus Dark and the blob twins, and starts sweeping. If Primal Groudon manages Stealth Rock up, then Ho-Oh can't switchin as if it doesn't have full HP, a +2 Close Combat knocks it out regardless of the defense investment.
If opponent has a GroundCeus without Webs up, then try to save it for later; as most GroundCeus have higher Spe spread than M-Lucario hence outspeed and OHKO it.
That's it for the small description, I hope this team works well for you :) Special credit to Rhmsitb who helped a lot with the building and testing!