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This question will help you if your Pokemon can’t receive a Footprint Ribbon, and you want to know why and how to fix it.

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Dr. Footstep has five different ratings, and different categories for rating. The categories reflect what type of quote you’ll get per Pokemon, but there’ll still be 5 friendship ratings regardless. To determine what level of friendship you are with your Pokemon, talk to Dr. Footstep with the Pokemon First in your party, then find the matching quote below.

You will receive the Footprint Ribbon at the 5th Level after talking to him!

A full guide of which Pokemon fall under which category can be found here.

The categories are as follows: Cute (Feet, No Feet), Tough (Feet, No Feet), Scary (Feet, No Feet), Slow (Feet, No Feet), and Voiceless.

Friendship Level 1 (Friendship of 0-69)

The Pokemon moves away when clicked on the Friendship Checker at this stage.

"Aww... (player) only plays with other Pokémon... (nickname) feels neglected... Maybe (player) doesn't like (nickname) very much? (nickname) will try harder for (player). Please be nicer to me!"

Cute-No Feet
"(nickname) is bored... Play with me more, more... (nickname) and (player), let's play nicer..."

"Why does (player) use only other Pokémon? Am I not needed much? Would I have been better off if I remained in the wild? No, I should give this Trainer a little more of a chance..."

Tough-No Feet
"Does (player) intend to ignore me forever? Give me more opportunities for me to shine..."

"That (player)... What is that Trainer thinking? Why make me join the team, then call upon me for nothing? Am I considered useless? Is the Trainer regretting having me? Does the Trainer dare disrespect this <Pokémon> so easily?"

Scary-No Feet
"Wooooooh... (nickname) has nothing to do... Keep me too bored, and I'm liable to sneak up and bite..."

"Hnurrrr... Hunh? This is... Where? (player)'s house, is this? It's not? Hnurrr... If you don't need me for anything, can I go back to my Ball? Hnurrr..."

Slow-No Feet
"Hnurrr... I did not know that? I really don't? What is this? I don't know what to say? Hnurrr..."

Friendship Level 2 (Friendship of 70-149)

The Pokemon moves closer when clicked on the Friendship Checker at this stage, but with zero hearts.

"Others say there are people who aren't very nice to Pokémon. I wonder about (player)... Will (player) look after (nickname) nicely? Will I get to go all over with this Trainer? Can we be... Friends?"

Cute-No Feet
"Gonna go with (player) all over the place... Be nice to (nickname)... Warm and cuddly..."

"Humans can't understand the cries of Pokémon, nor our feelings. However, there are some among us that understand human speech... Hehehe, (player), you're not bad for a human."

Tough-No Feet
"If a Pokémon is treated as a friend, it will return the sentiments. We grow fonder of humans that treat us with kindness... Does (player) even like (nickname)?"

"I have little understanding of (player) as a human... (player) may not be too bad, considering that I, an oft-shunned <Pokémon>, am one of the team... That said, I don't intend to be all cheerful around (player)..."

Scary-No Feet
"Is there any human that would grow to like us <Pokémon>? Well? Does (player) like (nickname)? (nickname) doesn't like... Well, no, maybe not..."

"Hnurrr... Me? Uhm... I like to sleep most the time. Oh, I like to eat, too. That's next. But what I really like is to think. I'm a very deep thinker. When I think about the future of the <Pokémon> species... ...Hnurrr...hunh? Oh, I forget where the time goes. Hnurrrr..."

Slow-No Feet
"Hnurrr... Well, I... I think I'm motivated. As motivated as the average. But it's not so simple as that. Hnurrr..."

Friendship Level 3 (Friendship of 150-199)

The Pokemon has one small heart on the Friendship Checker

"This adventure with (player) is lots of fun. (nickname) gets to go places where I can't go by myself. I get to battle Pokémon I've never ever seen before. I'm gonna get stronger and stronger for (player)!"

Cute-No Feet
"(nickname) get strong, make (player) happy. Round ones, square ones, triangle ones, wobbly ones... (nickname) wants to see different kinds of Pokémon..."

"If a Pokémon were to travel alone, it would be limited as to where it could go. But traveling with a human, a Pokémon would be able to travel farther afield to more distant cities and lands. Traveling with (player) has been rewarding and reassuring. And very entertaining..."

Tough-No Feet
"Did (nickname) get stronger? Who is responsible for making me so? Is it (player)'s doing? Is the Trainer owed my thanks?"

"Our kind prefers to lurk in dark and dank places... But being with (player), even bright and festive places seem less threatening... (player) has a strange charisma..."

Scary-No Feet
"(player) treats me, (nickname), nicely without being scared. But (nickname) will be even scarier from now on. That's what we <Pokémon> do..."

"Hnurrr... Me? Uhm... There are lots of kinds of moves. I like those Dark-type moves, oh, and Dragon-type moves, too... How would they be for this <Pokémon>? Will they be for me? Or a no, no, no sort of thing? Hnurrr..."

Slow-No Feet
"Hnurrr... How should I say this? We both look out for each other. That's what we try to do, I think. That is for the best. Hnurrrr..."

Friendship Level 4 (Friendship of 200-254)

The Pokemon has two small hearts on the Friendship Checker

"(nickname) and (player) make a perfectly matched combo! I've seen all sorts of people so far... But (player) understands (nickname)'s feelings most! I'm a little hungry... You can tell, right?"

Cute-No Feet
"(nickname) and (player) make a friendly combo. (player)'s feelings, (nickname) can understand. (nickname)'s feelings, (player) understands!"

"Some wild Pokémon frown upon others for traveling with humans. They jeer that the caught Pokémon have "forgotten the wild." But that view is mistaken. They have just never met a Trainer who could be a great partner. A great partner like (player), in other words..."

Tough-No Feet
"(player) and (nickname) are alike in some ways. In humanspeak, we match up well. Does (player) think so, too?"

Scary-Feet"Not for a moment did I think I would be traveling with a human... If my <Pokémon> friends were to see me now, they would be shocked. Or would they be envious of me...?"

Scary-No Feet
"(nickname) is starting to forget a little about being in the wild... But (nickname) isn't feeling sad. It's never boring with (player)..."

"Hnurrr... I don't know how to begin saying this... I liked living quietly before I met (player). Sssh. But I'm getting to like traveling with (player). I think I'm getting sort of funky. Do you think I'm sort of funky? No? No funk for me? Hnurrr..."

Slow-No Feet
"Hnurrr... How do I say? How should I describe us? We are the sound of both hands clapping. (player) and I are together in synchronicity like twins. Hnurrr..."

Friendship Level 5 (Friendship of 255)

The Pokemon has two large hearts on the Friendship Checker

"If I said there can be friendship between Pokémon and people, will <Pokémon>'s friends understand? But if you see (player) and (nickname), you will understand. Because (player) and (nickname) are friends!"

Cute-No Feet
"(player) makes (nickname) very proud! <Pokémon> boasts to friends about (player)! (player) and (nickname) are best of friends!"

"(player) is... A remarkable human and Trainer. That I can always perform the best any <Pokémon> possibly can... I attribute that entirely to my partner (player). When we travel, I can see wild Pokémon eyeing us enviously..."

Tough-No Feet
"(player) is very impressive, especially for a human. The Trainer lets (nickname) use every bit of power properly. It is a shame that (player) is only a human..."

"That (player) is the most impressive of humans. It takes a lot to make me, (nickname), sunny and cheerful! As a show of affection, I should chomp down on the Trainer's neck... Hahaha... Have no fear... I was merely joking..."

Scary-No Feet
"There are no Pokémon that dislike humans... Only humans that dislike Pokémon... We <Pokémon> are especially shunned... But (player) always treats me as a friend and partner..."

"Hnurrr... Me? Uhm... Other Pokémon, they say to me... "You're not thinking, are you?" How insulting they should say so. It isn't true what they say. Think, think, think, I do that. All the time, I think hard how to help (player). I concentrate! Hnurrr..."

Slow-No Feet
"Hnurrr... What is left to say, I say? We have come so far now, where can we go but to see this through? Hall of Fame... Words so sweet fall from my mouth. Hnurrr..."

Voiceless Pokémon

For all levels, the Pokemon will only say "Sssshhnnn... ... ...Ssshhhnnn... ... Ssshhhnnn... ...". You will still obtain the Footprint Ribbon at maximum Friendship.

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