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In Ultra Moon, are they version-exclusive fossils? Every site I've checked says that the (fossil) Pokemon is obtainable in both games. Is this actually the case, or just an oversight?

Not a full answer, but https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Fossil

It basically says that the fossils are version exclusives, but because you can trade them and therefore restore any fossil in any game, the Pokémon themselves are not technically exclusives.

I’ll put a more detailed answer later.
You can get any fossil on Isle Aphun of Poké Pelago in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon by “Rare Treasure Hunting” or “Interesting Item Hunting”. The only exclusive fossils are the ones sold in Konikoni City.

1 Answer

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Short answer: Fossils are version-exclusive.

Long(er) answer: Some fossils are version-exclusives, but the Pokémon that are restored from them are not formally considered version-exclusives.

Prior to Generation IV, Fossils were Key Items. However, from Generation IV and on, they are normal items, meaning that they can be traded freely between games.

Essentially, this means that before DPP, fossils couldn't be traded, only the Pokémon could, which made the Pokémon version-exclusive. Now, since the fossils can be traded, all fossils can be restored in any game, therefore you can technically obtain any Pokémon from a fossil restoration location.

Now, in USUM, obtaining fossils themselves is version-exclusive, with the following fossils in each game:

Ultra Sun:

  • Helix (Omanyte)
  • Claw (Anorith)
  • Jaw (Tyrunt)
  • Skull (Cranidos)
  • Cover (Tirtouga)

Ultra Moon:

  • Dome (Kabuto)
  • Root (Lileep)
  • Sail (Amaura)
  • Plume (Archen)
  • Armor (Shieldon)

The Old Amber is unobtainable in USUM, but Aerodactyl is available for in-game trade in Seafolk Village. Also, these ten fossils are available regardless of version in Poké Pelago. Finally, these ten fossils can be purchased at Olivia's jewelry shop in Konikoni City.

Hope I helped!

Bulbapedia's page on Fossils

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This is incorrect as all obtainable fossils can be found very rarely in Poké Pelago regardless of game version.
"Also, these ten fossils are available regardless of version in Poké Pelago."

The answer literally already states this, it's in the second to last sentence at the bottom before "Hope I helped!"