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I've been deliberating on these two for a while now.

In terms of stats, they're very similar, with Ceruledge faring slightly better overall in that regard. Both their movepools have a wide amount of coverage, and they can be caught/evolved pretty early on in a playthrough.

I've actually used Gallade before in other games, but that new Sharpness ability is really intriguing...

So which is better overall? And is it possible to use both effectively if they're different enough from each other? If you can, please include a recommended in-game moveset.


2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Both are obviously amazing Pokemon in a playthrough, but if we were to decide by what starter you pick, this is how it will turn out...

If you pick Fuecoco: 100% use Gallade, since Skeledirge and Ceruledge share the exact same typing.

If you pick Quaxly: Ceruldege is clearly the better option, not only does Gallade share the fighting type with Quaquaval, but Ceruldege's fire-ghost typing makes it and Quaquaval synergise very well together, as Quaquaval helps with Ceruledge's dark, rock and ground weaknesses, while Ceruledge helps Quaquaval with its Grass and Psychic weaknesses. Gallade and Quaquaval can't support each other by countering their weaknesses so they are nowhere as good as Ceruledge and Quaquaval.

If you pick Sprigatito: This is much closer but i'm giving the edge to Ceruledge because out of Meowscarada's 7 weaknesses, Ceruledge is super effective or resistant to 6 of them which is extremely good synergy, Ceruledge helps by countering the 4x bug weakness as well as the ice weakness, and then is immune to fighting and fire thanks to flash fire, and continues to resist opposing fairy and poison types, though Gallade can atleast counter Meowscarada's ice, fighting and poison weaknesses, so Gallade can actually do better offensively but Ceruledge is WAY much better defensively as it can be good defensively to all but one of Meowscarada's weaknesses.

But if we are talking about the species alone, then Gallade is better, because Gallade has access to extremely good moves much earlier, thanks to having access to the move reminder everywhere you go, Gallade can immediately take advantage to its excellent sharpness ability with Sacred Sword, a new move it learns at only level 1, so with the move reminder, you can teach Gallade that move as soon as you get the chance, Gallade also is an extremely versatile Pokemon, learning so many different moves that he can also take advantage of with sharpness, at level 1, you can also immediately teach him Leaf Blade, Aqua Cutter and Night Slash, 3 great moves that get boosted from sharpness, and by TM, Gallade can learn Shadow claw and X-Scissor for sharpness boosts. As for Ceruledge, until it gets Bitter Blade, the only physical fire move it can learn by level up is flame charge which isn't that strong.

So if you dont care about the starter choice, then Gallade is better.

selected by
Thank you so much...

(checks bio)
...walmart bag! That was incredibly helpful!

I ended up picking Sprigatito as my starter and have already caught a male Ralts and a Charcadet. I'll go with the fiery, phantom swordsman then!

But I'll keep the male Ralts alongside my Charcadet juuust in case...
I might give in to the Sharpness temptation....
Now that I think about it, I probably should've called you by your username. I don't want to make it seem like I just insulted you!
No no you didn't insult me, please don't worry
(Whew) I just wanted to be safe!

See, in my original comment I wrote "Thank you so much, dude!", but I checked your bio just in case you had any special pronouns. I saw "walmart bag", laughed my butt off, and decided to make a little joke about it.

I know it's nothing major, but I wanted to be safe since it's very easy to unintentionally offend someone online nowadays!
What's wrong with using both?
0 votes

Both are very useful Pokémon, but for a playtrough, it is certainly Ceruledge for multiple reasons

1st: Ceruledge needs to evolve by a Malicious Armor, which is only available in Violet, since it is another game, you won't spend your time in Scarlet with a Charcadet

2nd: In order to get a Gallade, you need a male Ralts, which could take a while, and a Dawn Stone, which there is a guaranteed spawn of it, but if you don't know where is it, you will be stuck with a Kirlia, and if you don't prepare yourself, it can evolve into a Gardevoir.

3rd: Ralts and Kirlia are such weak Pokémon, and you need to train it until at least, Level 20

But if you pick a Fuecoco (which you probably would, this thing is adorable), Ceruledge will be an overlap.

Hope I helped!
