Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~-~WILL~-~ (page 12)

<3 =D marshmallon is chu new name XD
Jan 9, 2014 by Moon
Yeah I'm kind of like that too. It doesn't help that being dorky is in my genetic material. (No offense to my dad, of course. He has accepted and embraced it as well)
Jan 8, 2014 by EnergyZebro
=D i believe in you im sure u can accomplish ur dream =D
Jan 8, 2014 by Moon
why u shouldnt feel like crap u didnt really mean it lol >~< just read the dang story dont think about the errors!!!
Jan 8, 2014 by Moon
I have to say you are a very entertaining commentator. I wanted to know, do you ramble in conversation with other people, or only with yourself?
Jan 8, 2014 by EnergyZebro
yeah, so I uh... kinda.... watched your whole playthrough of super mario sunshine.... in  like three days....
Jan 5, 2014 by EnergyZebro
Ah xD leh marshmallow. The Mellowmarshman!
Jan 2, 2014 by lMichae
Why are you known as the Marshmellow!?
Jan 2, 2014 by lMichae
D= nu i didnt >~< eveyone in family did but me and my big sis lmao dat single life XD
OMG WILLIE XD haha why would ur friend tell u to close ur eyes XD if the present was wrapped lmao
Jan 2, 2014 by Moon