Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Dragapulse~ (page 15)

Missingno looks like a glass sheet in Gen 1!!!
Nov 5, 2020 by user74534
Yep! LOL!!
Nov 5, 2020 by user74534
hey there. I don't think telling people your age on your profile is the best idea. remember, although pokebase is a good community, you should still be careful of the people who are sick in the head and try to manipulate kids
Nov 5, 2020 by themodernage
Look again. You were off by 20 points.
Nov 5, 2020 by Mr. Fish
Do you have a Nintendo Switch or Pokemon GO?
Nov 5, 2020 by Spooky Terrain
You're one of the few who aren't annoying lol
Nov 5, 2020 by Iridacea
All I can remember doing is choosing a best answer for my Scizor question.
Nov 5, 2020 by Blaziken787
8 seems ridiculous though.
Nov 5, 2020 by Blaziken787
I didn't answer any questions, but I might've gotten some upvotes.
Nov 5, 2020 by Blaziken787
I honestly have no clue.
Nov 5, 2020 by Blaziken787