Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 51)

ive even been associating songs with her again this is not going well
Feb 20, 2022 by y-chai
i personally am in a situation where my partner basically ignores my existence and a certain old crush is lingering in my mind
Feb 20, 2022 by y-chai
i am in a bit of a sticky relationship situation atm and its driving me insane i think we both need to talk
Feb 20, 2022 by y-chai
are you doing okay? :(
Feb 20, 2022 by y-chai
You're clearly just protecting Beast at this point because he's your friend lmao.
Feb 20, 2022 by xPsydxck
When did I tell Beast what he should and shouldn't be doing? I didn't even say anything to him regarding that wall post. All I did was inform Fizz about it, and Fizz could what he wanted next. That's not mini-modding.

Again, I couldn't know you talked to Beast about it if you DM'd him anywhere. There was nothing regarding it in the chat too when I came online. Please stop having a problem with literally everything I do just because I wrongly criticised an edit one time. :)
Feb 19, 2022 by xPsydxck
side note:
proud of myself for that eevee. it has modest and pixilate with 252 spA, 252 hp, 4 atk with quick attack, hyper voice, mystical fire, and shadow ball. hoping to replace shadow ball with protect. still deciding between a pixie plate and lefties. it has good ivs too. overall, happy that i pulled off my first full ev train.
Feb 19, 2022 by y-chai
im really sorry </3

also, honestly, i wish i could give a date for my return to normal Google but i have no more insight on it than you do.

ive gotten so bored to the point where for the last two hours ive been killing skwovets and morgrems to ev train sylveon

i wish i could text you now </3
Feb 19, 2022 by y-chai
What do you mean? If you're talking about posting about Mr. Beast's joke on Fizz's wall, then I didn't have to be staff to do that.
Feb 19, 2022 by xPsydxck
Feb 19, 2022 by Gau