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Wall for ★~ProfDelldell~★ (page 13)

I am stuggling to take out Yveltal's. It usually takes 3 pokemon to faint it then I just lose because of type disadvantages. I still enjoy battling though and am looking forward for our battle!
Nov 28, 2020 by Blaziken787
Look at your wall tommorow at around 12:00ish for me saying I am ready. I already translated the time and you are 2 hours ahead of me so 12:00 for you 10:00 for me.
Nov 28, 2020 by Blaziken787
I like your Grav! I can't battle now, but how about sometime tommorow in the morning? 10:00ish Central time would work, but I am not very confident anymore in my team because I lost like 6 times in a row. It might not even be the team, I am a pretty mediorce battler. I would like to battle though.
Nov 28, 2020 by Blaziken787
Cute :D
Nov 28, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
So cute =)
Nov 28, 2020 by Mr. Fish
I admire your grav.
Dreepy and Drakloak #2 after Dragapult
Nov 28, 2020 by ~Dragapulse~
That Grav is adorable.
Nov 27, 2020 by Gau
Reeee don't steal dweepy
Nov 27, 2020 by Haze
You're gaining points really fast and don't worry mods will come maybe about one month later and set your answer as BA.

By that time I may forget about my points lol!
Nov 27, 2020 by ~BlazeFreeze~
I added your view about shiny in my profile. See my reply.
Nov 27, 2020 by ~BlazeFreeze~