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Wall for Chaos481 (page 3)

Oct 31, 2022 by -Eclipse-
i dont know where to start
Oct 25, 2022 by Chaos481
time to make a return!
Sep 28, 2022 by Chaos481
hii i havent been that active for a while just wanted to say hello to some friends :3
(i bet you dont even know me lol)
Aug 30, 2022 by neo magius
It's going well. Pogo rarely misses, and he has a ton of HP so the damage he takes when he does miss isn't a huge concern. Unfortunately, he hasn't been headbonking as much because I'm Shiny hunting (or rather putting off Shiny hunting) on Shining Pearl and I'm too lazy to swap the cartridges every five minutes. Which is a shame, because I miss headbonking every enemy in sight. There's a certain joy that comes from it. Or maybe I just like hearing Pogo make funny sounds. He does that a lot. GAGAHHHHH-
Aug 8, 2022 by Gau
Thanks, and I will! Pogo shall be headbonking. :3

Oof. But good luck with school and all!
Aug 3, 2022 by Gau
Yikes. Tons of work AND you have to do it fast? I hate that. Another reason school is lame: not only do they teach you a ton of stuff you probably won't use (like ever), they make you do a bunch of stuff that's just about as useful.

And I'm good, putting off a Shiny hunt so I can play Live A Live, as well as a Mario Maker 2 course I've been... well, wanting to make. I can't really say trying. Music levels are such a pain, but they're awesome once you finish 'em. But with my attention span, it's gonna be a while before I actually do finish one. I've tried to make two of them, but gave up so fast. Kinda sad really. On the plus side, uh... I get to have Pogo headbonk stuff on Live A Live instead.
Aug 2, 2022 by Gau
Thanks! I got it on the 22nd, and I've beat it once. Extremely fun game, pretty weird but still cool. Pogo is pretty dang cute. He makes funny noises. I like Pogo.

Oof. School sounds like a pain. But how are you?
Jul 31, 2022 by Gau
Oh that makes sense. Tbh 9th grade isn't that difficult, I remember I'd get straight As in that with just 1 to 2 hours of study lol. Hoping abra kadabra wins more matches in the future. :)

Quack! ;)
Jul 20, 2022 by xPsydxck
Most of the time, green hair is ugly. But Gau and Pogo are downright precious. I mean, yeah, Gau's really scrawny, but you can't really tell in-game. Also for whatever reason he's blond in his Final Fantasy 6 overworld sprite. Which is... something.

Glad you're doing well! And I can definitely relate to the answering thing. I've been wanting to answer more questions recently as well. Also I should update my old answers, which I'm apparently putting off. Sad. Anyway, I'm good! I read some Warrior cats books, played some random demos, beat a couple games... pretty much the usual. My mom pre-ordered Live A Live (which I seem to be telling everybody), so soon after it's released, I'll have it. A physical copy, too. So that's exciting. :3
Jul 13, 2022 by Gau