Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for GodHelpMe5258 (page 1)

"There probably isn’t a single website on this planet that has more rules than this one. No duplicate accounts. No wrong answers. No this no that"

We kinda have the same rules as bulbapedia and there are many more sites with more rules, what's the problem mate
Jul 10, 2020 by Syl ™
Oof.  Imagine living in two countries simultaneously.
Jul 10, 2020 by J™
Jul 10, 2020 by Gear 5th
I've been trying to come up with a clever name for an amputee support group.
But so far, I'm stumped.

Today, my son asked "Can I have a book mark?" and I burst into tears. 11 years old and he still doesn't know my name is Brian.

As I handed my Dad his 50th birthday card, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said,
“You know, one would have been enough.”

Of all the inventions of the last 100 years, the dry erase board has to be the most remarkable.

My interviewer asked me why I put A, C, D, E, I, M, N, O, R, and T on my application.
I told him they were the letters of recommendation.

Among all the machines, the pulley is the most egotistical.
It’s always at the centre of a tension.

My son was just born(!) and another dad at the nursery congratulated me and said his daughter was born yesterday… said maybe they'll marry eachother.
Sure, like my son is going to marry someone twice his age..

To whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office. I will find you...
You have my Word!
Jul 10, 2020 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥