An "unconscious hook"? Interesting. I wish I had that sort of unconscious hook too!
"Hahahahahaha, I meant, instead of engraving* it on my stomach and sending that in the mail, of course!
I assure you, the alternative of a "vocal approach" is gruesomely horrible! I meant like, if you need my tag somewhere, I can just tell you.
No need for anything darker, please now -oP..., don't get hasty here!
It's just a tag!"
I love how you wrote "-oP..." cause my username is so complex. xD
Alright I get it, lets keep this Pokemon site clean of dark stuff. I love that kinda stuff tho. :)
Hell yeah! Every art has some emotions behind it, a whole experience condensed onto the canvas!
I could legit write college papers about how that particular wallpaper affects me, but I think that'd be too much. xD
Another art which affects me in a similar way is the grav of this user:
I didn't even know who was in the grav. Weird stuff haha.
"You feel your stomach wondering about Koi and Diversa, the two dragons infiniting around each other for all eternity, wondering who is the other?
Each atom, Proton and Electron, no Neutron for ever! :)
Each cycle, each a frequency, like music, like art, like energy, like ME!
Yea, this stuff that Mathematica comprehends so well. Cycles. Energy. Life.
Go on, live, breathe, be free, sing, ajoice, alive, alive, again, around all things comprehend not darkness more than light, neither light more than darkness! Balance, purity, change, comprehension of True Observation, let it go on in your chest a sing,
yea, sing me a Saga, O Psyduck, as an alive flower has sprou- Ahem, I think you got me a little too carried away with talking arts...."
Ofc course I did! :sob:
That is WAY too much for me to absorb; I now feel bad for not knowing how to react to that. That must've taken so much effort to form!