Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Hexhalem (page 31)

btw u nu like skype D=everytimei get on peoples start calling its horrible!!
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
really!?!?!? ¯\(º_o)/¯ the page said use what it has or train ur own and if i was to battle i would use my own trained pokemon.....
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
D= plus i have to train pokemon and ect >o< im lazy to do tht
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
awww but Moon is the name i like cuz is cool....XD like me im supa cool (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
=D eh >w< i am D: thats new im usually quiet XD jking ahaha awww i dont go on showdown cuz someone stole my username "Moon" D=
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
woopsie i mad a typo D= aigoo my engrish today add an eff in front of that un XD when u read V
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
=D u seem fun to talk to as un as WIllIE maybe haha can we exchange fcs??=3 i wanna battle! =D that is if you dont mind or isnt busy
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
=D names Moon nice to meet cha \(^O^)/
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
Dec 19, 2013 by Moon
Aloha Hexagon
Dec 17, 2013 by Pikamaster