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Wall for LeDragónTamer (page 14)

I wasn't talking about defeating the Champion, I was talking about the World Pokemon Championships itself, the online game(frankly I haven't won, but I am a top player, I suspect hacking in the tournament) . And everybody has won the game, Nintendo has made the games for 10 year olds :P
Aug 6, 2013 by dTalkingMeowth_J CAT
So that's how you wanna play? The Hard way? All those 3 things are not according to you, guess I have to capture you with my trainer, and put you in our party, and send you to the Day Care with him, ahh, the things I do for my friends!! I'll have you know, AKC, my trainer has captured all the badges from all the regions, and defeated the E4 and champions, and won the  Pokemon World Champions twice *smirks*
Aug 6, 2013 by dTalkingMeowth_J CAT
Damn Babeygirl, my friend, Druddigon, saw you the other day, fighting some wild pokemon, I think he is love with you xD
Aug 5, 2013 by dTalkingMeowth_J CAT
The emulator......................................vvv
Jul 29, 2013 by MonoUmbreon
DW Alakazam would be cool. Magic Guard is the preferable choice for the Ability. But I bet people  would be happy with it even if it had a normal Ability.
Jul 27, 2013 by Poke'slash
Shiny Alakazam?
Jul 27, 2013 by Poke'slash
I already have thought of...

Plus all of the starters. Some of them will have dream world abilities. Plz post some more suggestions.
Jul 26, 2013 by LeDragónTamer
Uh yeah?
Jul 24, 2013 by LeDragónTamer