Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Mosmic Dragoon (page 52)

I guess now lol but I had track and stuff going on and then I got super sick and the band NYC trip (which was super fun) and  well 18 days left of school for me and then I've got nothing for a while so that's why I was saying how I would be on probably around Summer
May 7, 2014 by Poke-Potato
Thanks XD
May 6, 2014 by Poke'slash
u r smeti
May 6, 2014 by [Dark Star] Greninja
I need cakeys bio, my computers being a jerk
May 6, 2014 by Salamaster13
Is Roserade FABULOUS????????
May 6, 2014 by ~~Dazzling Sylveon~~
do you like Roserade?
May 5, 2014 by ~~Dazzling Sylveon~~
WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR GRAVATAR??? that Espurr one was SOOOOO cute!!!
(but that one looks good too)
May 5, 2014 by ~~Dazzling Sylveon~~
*facepalm* I forgot =P
May 5, 2014 by Đarkheart
U r a friend but I only name the ppl ive battled with. It's a rival lost not exactly a friend list. I don't have friend list in case I leave someone out accidentally. If I battle u, and u at least take half my team down you'll b added =P
PS: I'm not on your friend list as well ;(
May 5, 2014 by Đarkheart
I apologize for posting on old questions.  I tried to make sure I was improving on other answers, but you're right, it was probably best to leave that one how it is.
May 5, 2014 by Pimplup