Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Pokemaster (page 24)

Hello there Pokemaster. I am just stopping by to say hi, so don't use Judgement on me.
Apr 27, 2014 by ~Wolf~
Received 1 Downvote? Who Downvoted Pokemaster?
Apr 17, 2014 by Alpha Burn
Hey pokemaster can you please change my username to Lucky 2000(my original username) please? It's so I can see my recent activity page and stuff. Thanks!
Apr 16, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Thanks for bringing it back online, i've been itchy to get my pokemon trained and i use this site ALOT!
Apr 14, 2014 by Haribos_01
Hey Pokemaster why does my Recent Activity page, All Questions page, and All Answers page say "Page Not Found" when I click them? Also, when it says "Page Not Found", if I click something else it says something weird, but only when I press back, it doesn't say the weird thing anymore. But here's the weird thing, when I see other users' Recent Activity page, etc., the pages are like what they are supposed to be like usual. If you can find out what is wrong with my Recent Activity page, etc., then fix it, that will be a huge thanks! Thanks!
Apr 8, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon I believe in the fossil
Apr 8, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Pokemaster,Gligurr said on Showdown that if I didn't battle her she'd ban me and hack me somehow.
Please help.
Apr 6, 2014 by Masked Torterra
OK so I was thinking(me thinking, wow) any who you know how users can post on walls, well I was thinking about how those annoying ones  keep like saying hi even though seeing them right there is just blah, and you can keep deleting those well what if there was an option to not let them post on you're wall at all like you can just not have to see them ever again on your wall?
Mar 28, 2014 by Poke-Potato
When we gonna battle in X Y?
Mar 25, 2014 by Natsu
Hey Pokemaster, why does my question and answer page say "Page not found" when I click it?
Mar 25, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon