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Wall for Sophisticles (page 10)

hi sophiscles!!!!!!!

my first day of school is sept 2nd. I'm going to be a freshman. the second day of school is my birthday. i am literally 2 steps away from my first period class from my locker. all my friends are down the hallway and it isn't much of a hike. I'm a bit nervous going into high school. my parents garenteed me both ORAS games if i pass all of my classes. thats a challenge for math because last year my overall average for math was 65. that is barly passing. i can't wait to see how many times my 3ds is taken throughout the year because if my grades.
Aug 30, 2014 by Care :D
How was your first day of school?
Aug 25, 2014 by sheepman1306
Man, you guys start early. Good Luck on your Studies!!!!!!! I am going to get a head start on my school work and get ready on Wednesday Augest, 27.  I was really disapponinted that my MWF classes are cancled and switch TR class ...... Also, I am trying to put hard on myself so I can transfer to my dream school. I did not realize that AM is strict on my academic course work!!!!!! Thanks I need all the luck all I colud get. I hope your teacher is teaching Chemisrty and not a blow off class.
Aug 11, 2014 by sheepman1306
ok :P
Aug 10, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
I just got a shiny patchirisu from poke radar!!! It has 3 perfect ivs! Defence, sp. attack, and speed! At a chain of 65!
Aug 4, 2014 by Care :D
Congrats on 2000 buddy :) now try to pass me again
Aug 2, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
I have to stop chating on here for awhile. I must have all A's in General Chemistery and Calculus I. I have some serious competion and I just find out that my school is a stress mode!!!! Whish me luck on my studies!!!
Aug 1, 2014 by sheepman1306
Be nice to me
Jul 29, 2014 by sheepman1306
Jul 28, 2014 by Care :D
Jul 28, 2014 by Care :D