Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Sophisticles (page 14)

Queendra is doing amazing thank you so much for being so kind to let me have it for free! Right now it's getting ev trained. I can't wait to use it in competitive battles!
Jan 25, 2014 by Care :D
i was da one to make ur 30pts
Jan 17, 2014 by Natsu
"This is my profile feel free to post on my wall" ~ xxblazexx

*Feels free, so posts on wall* Seems legit.
Jan 14, 2014 by MrKijani
Jan 14, 2014 by Care :D
I answered your question :l
Jan 13, 2014 by Pahff
To be honest I did nothing but play my 3ds to my hearts content. Since my parents are really overprotective  they take it away when I play it "too" much. And when they do they add some weird stuff into the mix so it gets taken for even longer
Jan 11, 2014 by Care :D
when my parents take my 3ds though it takes weeks sometimes months to even see it again i really miss it
Jan 10, 2014 by Care :D
Jan 8, 2014 by Pahff
HI xxblazexx
Jan 8, 2014 by a creepy stalker
no, I'm telling you to #420BlazeIt, k?
Jan 8, 2014 by Pahff