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Wall for TallyHo (page 9)

Ahaha I will need a bit of a hand with some complex EVs 0-0
But it's fine xD
Jun 11, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
I have a Shi Tzu (or however you spell it). Just a little one.
Jun 11, 2015 by Toucanadian
I am beginning to realize how vain and one-sided the DB's chat is becoming (the usual crowd I face when I enter). Don't get the wrong idea; I don't mind it. I'm only going to try to keep distance though, some people are just plain outrageous to me.
Jun 11, 2015 by TallyHo
Dogs are so funny XD
Jun 11, 2015 by Toucanadian
My dog just stares dumbly at the mirror and tries to lick it.
Jun 10, 2015 by Toucanadian
Well… well… *looks utterly beaten* I'll just drop a lightning strike on your umbrella. G'day, chap.
Jun 10, 2015 by Toucanadian
Hai !
I'm getting ready for the Internationals June rn
Jun 10, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
Wow, that's a cool story… but I'm pretty sure dogs can't see two-dimensional objects.

Sorry, it's my job to rain on parades :D
Jun 10, 2015 by Toucanadian
k wuts ur fc
Jun 10, 2015 by Your Excellency
Once a dog ran into a museum, where all the walls, the ceiling, the door and even the floor was made of mirror. Seeing this the dog froze in surprise in the middle of the hall - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, above and below. Just in case, the dog bared it's teeth, and all the reflections reacted in the same way. Frightened, the dog frantically barked and the reflections imitated the bark and increased it many times. The dog barked even harder and the was echo keeping up. The dog tossed from from one side to another biting the air - his reflections also tossed around snapping their teeth.

Next day in the morning, the museum security guards found the miserable dog, lifeless and surrounded by a million reflections of lifeless dogs.There was nobody, who would make any harm to the dog. He had died fighting with his own reflections.

The world doesn't bring any evil or good on it's own. Everything that is happening around us is the reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, wishes and actions. The world is a big mirror; strike a good pose!
Jun 10, 2015 by TallyHo