Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for a creepy stalker (page 12)

Sep 4, 2015 by TallyHo
Sep 4, 2015 by Poke'slash
How can Pokemaster answer you, if he doesn't post on walls?
Sep 3, 2015 by sumwun
Hi :D
Sep 3, 2015 by Poke'slash
I literally just saw my wall :x
I don't really engage into chat though, it just doesn't feel home anymore. Maybe it's just the exams or something. And btw, exams still rockin hard man (although day-after is art exam). Imma come on after that.
Sep 1, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
Sep 1, 2015 by Neon Snivy
I love food. Good food. And french fries.
Sep 1, 2015 by Poke'slash
Thanks, I'll need it!
Aug 31, 2015 by Crystal Glaceon
Ugh I'm busy with school work! I have a big important assignment to do and it's due in like 3-4 days!
Aug 31, 2015 by Crystal Glaceon
Going to Europe soon, so that's awesome :D you?
Aug 30, 2015 by Poke'slash