Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for iloveflareon (page 6)

Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Pogie wis
2 hours from now
True true
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I mean it sounds like a bad idea to hug a caveman but wis so therefore wis.
2 hours from now
Thank you
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Congrats on hugging the Pog wis.
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
hug the pog wis
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
pog wis
2 hours from now
No pog wis
2 hours from now
Such sadness
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
"Pogo's wisdom is faltering."
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I'm so wis that I wisdommed.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I am so wis.
2 hours from now
True in so many aspects, tbh
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
"In which Ash reunites with his traveling companions from more than one previous series. ["Hey, my 588678455365 friends! Nice to see you again!" -Ash]"
Aug 1, 2022 by Gau
2 hours from now
Not my index finger
2 hours from now
take the nidoqueen or I will take bee pen’s index finger
Jul 31, 2022 by Gau
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Bee Pen read Dimension 10 or it will become creyin time.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Good. That means I win.
2 hours from now
Probably, but that's okay
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
(I'm the only one cracking up here aren't I)
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Its the rose of a heroin time
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Its Pogoin time
2 hours from now
It's Shortcake tine
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
its rockin time
2 hours from now
Due to Jared not being available, dwayne “the rock” johnson will play Morbius in Morbius 2
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Its bee pennin time
2 hours from now
Morbin time
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
its morbie in time
2 hours from now
the morbie
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
My favorite part was when morbius said “its morbin time” and everyone clapped for how innovative it was
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
the mobie
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
That I agree with, it is certainly the movie of all time
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Its morbin' time
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I have a whole hive full of pen bees.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
(i actually watched it it’s not that bad tbh)
2 hours from now
Bee you can write with
2 hours from now
morbius is the movie of all time
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Pen Bee
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Miitopia is one of the games ever. The villain is such a villains, the main characters were characters, and the jokes were sentences.
2 hours from now
Berry Strawcake
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Miitopia's plot is great
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Jul 28, 2022 by Gau
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
No, because I see it happening too
2 hours from now
If anything, we're the ones helping him be more tolerant
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Is it wrong that I imagined him getting so angree about Pogo that he screams something about being a simp and slams his head into the Switch, breaking it?
2 hours from now
Eh, he'll deal with it
2 hours from now
I love how we just kind of bully CS
2 hours from now
XD I bet he says that all the time
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
"How dare tat cavemnan have a crush on Byru ajd be Geetoo's favoride caracter!!!11!!one!!!11!"
2 hours from now
Sad CSimp
2 hours from now
Sucks to be him
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
More likely Pogo because he's sooper jellis of a caveman.
2 hours from now
Or it could be me.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
(imagines Yuri Rose sitting in the middle of a pentagram and stabbing a homemade doll that vaguely resembles Pogo with needles)
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Geeroo we're so funnyarciru
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Bee Pen I posted on your wall.
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Baduri Ros
2 hours from now
CSimp you're bad
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I don't know but I nearly died laughing.
2 hours from now
How tf did I misspell that?
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I when
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
you when
2 hours from now
Source: I've heard him laugh before
Volt Striker
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Just because you when doesn't mean you're right.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
He actually does
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Source: I said so.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuri Rose wishes he had a cute laugh but he sounds like Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks.
2 hours from now
CS you've argued with Strawberry Shortcake, and you've always lost
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
He was so upset when he learned she Beru didn't like him that abandoned his "Pogo dies and then Beru simps for See Esseth" fanfic and started a new one where he replaces Akira. Why? Because they're a lot alike and since I said Akira was cute when he laughs. Therefore I'll simp for him. Doesn't make any sense to me, personally, but hey.
2 hours from now
Just because you think it doesn't mean it's tue
2 hours from now
I'm right.
2 hours from now
The chat room queeniru has spoken
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Hey Strawberry Shortcake, do you think my statement is correct?
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Let the queen of the chat room decide that.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuri Rose wishes Beru would wuv him.
2 hours from now
You bet wrong
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
I bet CSimp wishes he were a caveman so you could love him
Jul 28, 2022 by Gau
Volt Striker
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
And I take it off my porch and chant "box" and hold it in the air and parade it around my living room, much to the dismay of my family members
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I am trying to unsee Pogo's unhinging jaw. So far no good.
Volt Striker
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
I scream "box" every time I see one
2 hours from now
I'm like that when the Amazon package comes in
2 hours from now
I related to the "Box!" one a lot
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I'm glad. What was your favorite?
2 hours from now
Amazing as always, Giru :3
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
By the way, Bee Pen, how were the quotes?
Jul 25, 2022 by Gau
Volt Striker
2 hours from now
(Imagines Pogo yelling "DIVIIINELY" so loud all of the universes can here him)
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
If you wonder how that's possible, I have no idea. Big Shout's Damage Type is Divine.
2 hours from now
Cakeshort Berrystraw
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Fun fact: Pogo shouts divinely.
Jul 25, 2022 by Gau
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
i am reprotring you to vlaredeon
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
i now am in crey
2 hours from now
shut up
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yuri Rose hates it when the other flies simp for Beru more than him.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
"Stick is stick."
2 hours from now
I swear flies act as if they're so entitled and I'm so damn tired of it.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I am going to feed your Mega Gatling Pea to Pogo.
2 hours from now
I'm 20 crowns away from getting Mega Gatling Pea
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Me too.
2 hours from now
I'm so excited
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Pretty sure he doesn't.
2 hours from now
Wait does Lugia even learn bounce?
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Teach Luigia Bounce becuz its OHKO move!!!1!!!1!11!!1
2 hours from now
Gust Luigi
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Wit oren barry for helling
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Hm, yes. My favorite. Gust.
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Eventually, I'll be able to listen to it while my favorite caveman viciously attacks his foes with a stick.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
It sounds so exciting.
2 hours from now
Bos batl
2 hours from now
Don't know why
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
By the way, the boss battle music in Pogo's Temporal Adventure (also known as Live A Live in every country except my bren) is so bloody amazing.
2 hours from now
I feel weird not wearing my sweater
2 hours from now
Same lol
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
And when it gets cold for obvious reasons.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I wear my jacket and such out of modesty. I feel kinda uncomfortable with just a shirt and pants.
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Because I love it
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Oh yeah, Bee Pen, if you get Live A Pogo, I recommend starting with Present Day. It's cool, simple, short, and has a neat mechanic.
2 hours from now
I have this sweater I always wear
2 hours from now
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Fun fact: I almost always wear a jacket/coat outside.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
(imagines some punk shooting a metal kneecap from his knee)
2 hours from now
Oh noes, it's the Iron Knees! Run for your life!
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Like their fists are really fragile so they use their knees.
2 hours from now
And Banner, who wears a sweater because I couldn't think of anything else
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Iron Knee sounds like a stupid gang.
2 hours from now
So we've got Kira, fiery and stuff, and most notably wears a scarf. Because iron knee
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Nice. That's how much time I put into my songs.
2 hours from now
Took me like ten minutes to make
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Kinda like sure-ee-kin.
2 hours from now
In other news, I made the OCs
2 hours from now
Well you know what never mind
2 hours from now
Like, how do YOU pronounce it
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
What do you mean?
an hour from now
How do you pronounce "Shuriken", Strawberry Shortcake?
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
an hour from now
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Playtime is 12 hours.
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Six out of eight, I think.
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
It took me a while, but my purple-haired shinobi friend leveled up and shurikenned (definitely a word) the crap out of people.
an hour from now
I think that's a lot
an hour from now
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Oh yeah, I've beat six chapters in Live A Live.
an hour from now
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Yeah. The other half makes him look like a watermelon
an hour from now
Just half
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Gau is precious feral boy, Pogo is precious caveman boy, and that third kid is some Shadowverse character who I think is a boy. Dunno why but I love half of the hairdo.
an hour from now
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Gau, Pogo (Pogo), and Mauro Abelard.
an hour from now
Well, what are they Strawberry Shortcake?
an hour from now
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
an hour from now
Gau, Gau, and gau
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
Not really, but there are three exceptions.
an hour from now
Broccoli flavored hair
an hour from now
So you like green hair now?
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
(mental breakdown)
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
His hair is greeeeeeen jtirntsielninglridng huggle
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
an hour from now
Also how are you :3
Yuya the Goggles
an hour from now
an hour from now
Giru you're afraid of the dark?
Jul 23, 2022 by Gau
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
It's a grand tale of some psychic kid who needs to watch his language as he battles gangsters with his loyal liquified turtle robot.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
For all my excitement over Pogo, I haven't started his story yet. I finished The Distant Future first, and now I'm working on The Near Future.
2 hours from now
That's accurate
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
(imagines you staring blankly at a blue-haired anime girl as she shrieks into a microphone)
2 hours from now
I haven't played it in months
2 hours from now
I remember getting the Miku game because Ty begged me to get it
2 hours from now
Hopefully I'll actually play it instead of letting it take up space
2 hours from now
Of course
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Live A Live frenneths.
2 hours from now
I think I'll get it as well
2 hours from now
Nice :3
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
One of the first things I saw when I woke up was a video game.
Jul 22, 2022 by Gau
2 hours from now
Accurate, Giru
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
You made an OC. What you do with the OC doesn't matter because you made her.
Eos The Lureena
2 hours from now
Oh well, that story is not happening either I don’t really count it if there“deD”
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
"Hey losers I'm the hottest blond girl on the entire DB and I'm a LOOOOOOT richer than you haha." -me in Bee Pen's dream
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
That one who had a Beanie Baby cat was redheaded.
Eos The Lureena
2 hours from now
At least, she’s the only recent one
Eos The Lureena
2 hours from now
And the only redhaired OC I’ve madeLataign
Eos The Lureena
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Basically a 2016 YouTuber
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
Like Giru was mean, constantly harrassed new users, bragged about how hot she was, bragged about how rich she was
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Also he's like nine years old and Justin is fifteen.
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
I said you were making redhead OCs, and that I once made a redheaded male OC. His name isn't Justin.
Eos The Lureena
2 hours from now
I thought you said he was earlier in the chat that’s all
2 hours from now
I had a dream everyone here had different personalities
Jul 22, 2022 by Gau
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Yeah, I suppose you would be the expert on that.
2 hours from now
He couldn't make a clown laugh.
Jul 18, 2022 by Gau