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Wall for xPsydxck (page 49)

As for your Gravatar (I finally have more wall posts... :P), how about
If you need suggestions. I thought maybe it could fit the descriptions. :-)

That's it for this time.
I tried to make a horror story myself, but it was more than 2 lines. I get carried away sometimes with literature.
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
Right. I'll have to see with Blobyolo. Would be fun to talk to him again.. >:4

It's a soccer team silly :) Quacker's Football Club XD

>  Well that's one way of persuading me to give up on the riddle. xD
I think it worked :P

Oh, dark twists. I know everything about darkness at this point... :(
I like literature though. Especially English ones.

Have you heard of the Cicada mystery? Cicada 3301. Liber Primus is from that, in case you were wondering earlier.

Eventually, it came upon me that the sun was setting, not rising; but it was too late to recover then.
Alas, I endured the pain to get to nowhere, and all crows sing for no reason anymore.

Wondrous is he that recovers, but brutal is the man's reconciliation to that which he does not rejoice in, for a time we do sow, not to reap unless it grows well.

We sow, we decay, alas, our morning comes not; how the hell shall we sow without our sun, O God, the farmer cries out as he is arrested by his priests of darkness,
while the sun is sick, while the morning comes not;

while God waits, while the dark begins and hope ends - all things begin with their end, how else shall they be completed?

A morning is elsewhere than in my heart, the imprisoned farmer cries out to long for the nought of suffering.
Why recover when weeping rules? The suffering regenerates and our hope decays as we gently fall asleep in the hands of a truly loving Creator waiting to help us out, once in a time unseen, unheard, unfelt; a timeless work unmanifest by hands or lives, or death.
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
Oh gosh, that data/image base 64 image is super low-resolution when I open it. I can't tell what it says!
What do you think it was? (2 + 2) :)

"Don't ask me how I found these images. xD" I won't ask ;)

xDDDD -oP.... that's the quack of the weekend this week!!!~

Yes, you do! >:) Haha, nice, nice
the dark always gets me as grievous but painless. I don't know why~
You should tell me which dark subject is yer favorite. If it feels cringe, maybe respect it.

"a whole experience condensed onto the canvas!" You said it right here!! You said it! :)

That's a wonderful Gravatar! Don't feel about liking it :)
Super nice.
Nice colors. Golden. Amazing.

"Ofc course I did! :sob:"

"That is WAY too much for me to absorb; I now feel bad for not knowing how to react to that. That must've taken so much effort to form!" It only took a second!
It was all unconscious rambling :) It's okay, it's as a second of the wind! Seen for a second only.
Not even seen.
Maybe felt.

Like a wind of summerstorms encraving a next birthlife of our wondrous mother earth's great,
Swelling of joy unto one season to the next!

Yes, a garden of flowers, beautiful as the sun itself,
colored pink, green, blue, but not yellow just yet; no, autumn, the great
FALL isn't come upon us yet, no, says the white, unpicked Flower Lily fresh as a rained-upon flower in a sunny day; I will go with thee to tomorrow, and to heaven.
I will give adoration as a gift,
I will say tomorrow is good,
I will give you hope.
The white Lily of DEATH, a sunny garden of Heaven is what I'm talking about,
Quack, for F*$Q's sake!
A garden of roses isn't good enough,
NO, I'm talking about a joyous garden of Archangels, now that's good enough!
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Prophets!
God, Christ, no Satan, just highness and beauty! Now that's a gardenfull of Garden of Roses, if you catch my meaning.

Let's see if you notice the catch here. What's the number of completion, would you expect?

The cursed tree expects: 667
The cursed duck expects: 17
The white Lily says: 100 beasts, beautifully burning in hell for their iniquity!

Yes, the Garden of Cyrus, as void as the sun, as beautiful as Mother Mario of heaven, as silly as me, as abhorrant as Job's God!

Now that's your real riddle, O Great Quacker Fresh Club!

Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
"Dayummmm 30 mins is a lot for a single game. Progressing must be really hard in that game."
Haha. I'm not sure, it's like you start from scratch with items and such each "round". I guess a little...

I'll give you the solution to the riddle lol, sorry, it's a little stupid maybe.
You eat apples because you can't really eat swords. The point is a bit that we sometimes miss the obvious a little too much. You know, the things that are there all around us that we can't see clearly. :) Or something.
It's actually up to interpretation how it should be read.
I actually just made it up from scratch when I was writing it ^^'

You'll probably notice soon that I said "Swords, of course.". Well, here's the real tricky part that actually has a lot of meaning in life, that often you have to spear-through given sayings that people proclaim to you, we assume they're true and use them as a foundation of our doings, sometimes, it's just that the text is wrong, not you,
the game is too hard, you're not too weak,
you are good enough, but life is too bad.

It's quite the tale, but that's sort of the concept behind this little swords-and-apples. :) Hope you like it, sorry if it's just frustrating :D

" I haven't actually watched the movie, I read all that in a comment on the song and wanted to share that with ya. :)"
Thank you :)

I get it :)

Thank you!
It will become available once again, don't worry! Super happy you noticed the features.
When I'm healthy enough someday, I'll develop it to finish.~
It will be the best PokeDex.
A dex like no otha.


"NOISYSPA THO!! That's such an amazing website!! WHY HAVE YOU NOT PUT ADS THERE ANYWHERE? Its so good I don't think an ad at the bottom of the page would affect anyone; there's so much empty space so fitting ads wouldn't be a problem either.
My favourites are Heavy Wind, Thunder Clap, Earthquake, Internal Volcano and the whole Void & Cosmos part (ik, really weird choices hehe). :)"

Oh my ****$**! God, that's so motivating!
Thank you!!
Duly noted, duly noted! @ Ads! :)

**** yeah baby


24 4 life lol, just like a day.
Just like life.
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
> I know you will be, but still. I'm the kind of person who can't properly sleep knowing I ended up disappointing/hurting someone. Hehe. :)
Aww, same! Maybe that's a good thing. You care for others! :)

By the way, from that Metallica song, isn't this part of it (from 3:16) pretty spooky!?
    I love it! ~<X0VWV0X>~

Let's see if you notice the catch here.

"It is indeed fun to read all these outwordly names tho. :)" Love this! I hope you like it because more's comin' to town with Santa Claus' exit to the Underworld for his torment to begin.


Did you end up listening to it?
What'd you think? :)

I'm beginning to think...
...mentioning ENCALMBRUS was a mistake.

That's correct, my duckling, that's correct :)

A riddle is like a context without the content.
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
Ran out of wall posts der....~

He...he...he... I did not, actually.
I'm just so used to using "man" as in mankind, i.e. humans! :)
I did, however, proceed in the past to take unto myself the freedom to presume you were a genderless Rayquaza balancing out the outfighting of each other-Yin and Yang Groudon and Kyogre! don't mean to imply, or explicitly say that, that's incorrect? >:O?


> And that's okay! I mean not everyone can get in their all wholesome mood yk. And the fact that I now cringe over what I said further proves that. And don't worry man, you need not return me the same wholesome messages, your normal messages themselves are a lot to absorb!

Haha, oh. Are my regular messages a lot to absorb? I didn't know that, but I think I know why you'd say that, thinking about it....
Hahaha..... very well.

"I'm doing a battle rn, I have a Mega Rayquaza and the opponent has a Marshadow. I think I've got this, to decipher all that I just need to hit the opposing Marshadow with Extreme Speed, (137+1)/2=69 times to defeat it! Haha now that's nice! Hold up, lemme fulfill the requirements real quick and I'd be done deciphering that!"

Haha. I'm pretty sure your catch is with the same fascination as YouTuber Haydunn ;)

"Talking about battling, HOW ABOUT WE BATTLE SOME TIME?" Oh hell yeah, baby!
Let's do it!
I can probably make another team :) Gengar is my favorite to use in Gen 5, but I bet a loooot has changed since then.
Oh, boy. I'm in for it now

Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you like it :) Shared passion for art, that is!
Check out this one, it's not a sample pack, but it's close enough. The visualizations are also epic!
That's right. VR Bangers 4 life lol.
Purple Dragon VIP haha, yes! I've heard it. It's a great song. Very riddim-y
I have a strong feeling he used the Xfer Serum software for that bass dough. He's a known Serum user. He actually does some live stream, did you know that!?
Gotta love dat flute! Time 4 Samurai lollllll :)
Those vocals from Dodge from Dodge & Fuski though. "Aahhh, to my ears that doesn't sound too bad"
those Disciple Records artist bullsh$t a lot with that lol I think, it's funny

Where'd U Go is great! :) Liking it, emotional, rhythmic, and soothing somehow. Nice.
Super heavy hitter at the end! Hehe

By the way, if you like some rock music (i.e. Riot - Overkill elements), have you heard this one?
I'm liking it!

By the way, this may have been out of context: I tried to silence my mother, once.
Boy, do I regret that!

It's actually a quote from Kassadin, a LoL champion, lol

That's okay. :)
No worries.~
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
It's one of many ways to explain it, but that's my favorite.
By far.

Obsessed? Hah, tell that to my 1001+ posters in my bedroom saying "Duck Duck Duck Duck" XD

NOW THAT'S A REAL DUCK FOR YA! Such a cute picture. Makes me wanna swim with 'em. I do look like a quack, now don't I? ;)
Of course I do.

Good, good, now, well.
Let's see here.... ~

Hmm. Maybe, maybe not! :)

Cringing? Oh, well....
Yes, I understand. It's too emotional

Excuse me, sir?! :flushed: Haha, you're right! ;~) That was probably off, somehow. I apologize indeed. :)

Haha! I'm glad you liked it :)
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
Good job, quacker!!
Sep 7, 2021 by Hexhalem

Defeated Blind Alchemist (aka Alchemist of Xerxes) - currently #9 on ladder - in Gen 7 AG! Lesgoooo!!
Sep 7, 2021 by xPsydxck
No.  My real name starts with L.  The reason I chose J is because my original name on the site (and most online things) was Jhnfui.  I shortened it to J which is what a lot of people called me.  I just stole the ™ sign from PX lol
Sep 5, 2021 by J™