Pokémon Rate My Team
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Ok, what I have so far is
enter image description here

Lampent @ Eviolite
Quiet Nature
Flash Fire
EVs: 232 HP, 12 Def, 252 Sp Atk, 12 Sp Def

-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Trick Room
- Fire Blast

My sort of bulky special attacker. Shadow ball for a reliable STAB move, Energy ball for coverage vs rock, ground, and water types, Fire blast for a good STAB move, and trick room because of it's low base speed.

enter image description here
Medicham @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Pure Power
Evs: 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Speed

-Hi Jump Kick
-Drain Punch
-Psycho Cut

Pure Power + Choice Band= Insane Attack. Not much else I can say to this, but I need to watch out for foul play.

enter image description here
Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Impish Nature
Evs: 252 HP, 240 Def, 18 Speed

-Toxic Spikes
-Rock Blast

My main Entry Hazard guy. Spikes and toxic spikes for switch ins, you know the drill. Rock blast is to break substitutes trying to set up. Toxic is for when (or if) their spinner gets rid of toxic spikes.

enter image description here
Piloswine @ Eviolite
Adamant Nature
Thick Fat
Evs: 240 HP, 252 Atk, 16 Speed

-Stealth Rock
-Ice Shard
-Icicle Spear

Who else should I add? I know I need a spinner, so maybe Wartortle. What should I use for my last slot? Thank you!

You have a very classic team put together. The eviolites surprised a little but not in a bad way.  I am Simon Stone and I train exclusively steel pokemon.  If it's a pokemon that can erase spikes and stay alive long enough to defeat your opponents spike producer I know just the steel type to do it.  Forretres is just the spinner you need. It's defense is enormous and it's speed extremely slow. With your lampent's trick room you can get it going first every turn. It's gyro ball makes it's speed worth it and bug bite can really hurt some strategies. Explosion adds a great strategy because it's defense can usually endure many hits before hitting low health.  Giving it a quick claw can get it moving if you can't get lampet to twist dimensions. Also if in a double battle where trick room is more effective on a slow team a focus sash/band can be used to ensure that explosion hits, or leftovers to keep it in even longer. And of course as I said it can use rapid spin which removes spikes and leech seed which is commonly found being used on defensive pokemon like Forretres. The only setback is a 4x weakness to the fire type. At all costs avoid exposing it to fire. Other than that it is a very strategically flexible pokemon just like your team.

Hoping this helped, — Simon Stone  
Except this is a NU team and Forretress is OU ._.
Thank you for this, but I think I am going to stick with Wartortle. I could use Haze to prevent people from setting up, foresight so ghost types cant block my rapid spin, and scald for my STAB move. I need a last member OTHER than my spinner. I am going to use foretress on my OU team though. Thanks Simon!
try another special attacker/mixed attacker minty
Yeah, I decided on ampharos. Thanks!

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