Ok, what I have so far is

Lampent @ Eviolite
Quiet Nature
Flash Fire
EVs: 232 HP, 12 Def, 252 Sp Atk, 12 Sp Def
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Trick Room
- Fire Blast
My sort of bulky special attacker. Shadow ball for a reliable STAB move, Energy ball for coverage vs rock, ground, and water types, Fire blast for a good STAB move, and trick room because of it's low base speed.

Medicham @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Pure Power
Evs: 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Speed
-Hi Jump Kick
-Drain Punch
-Psycho Cut
Pure Power + Choice Band= Insane Attack. Not much else I can say to this, but I need to watch out for foul play.

Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Impish Nature
Evs: 252 HP, 240 Def, 18 Speed
-Toxic Spikes
-Rock Blast
My main Entry Hazard guy. Spikes and toxic spikes for switch ins, you know the drill. Rock blast is to break substitutes trying to set up. Toxic is for when (or if) their spinner gets rid of toxic spikes.

Piloswine @ Eviolite
Adamant Nature
Thick Fat
Evs: 240 HP, 252 Atk, 16 Speed
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Shard
-Icicle Spear
Who else should I add? I know I need a spinner, so maybe Wartortle. What should I use for my last slot? Thank you!