Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

With X and Y releasing today, I want to say farewell to BW. It was during Black and White that I joined the DB. I started competitive battling. And now we are experiencing the end of that era. And coming to the Kalos region.

This team started when I decided to use Sun, but also wanted a Groudon that could survive more than then just physical attackers. So I created my own spread. I then added pokemon as roles were needed, and the team was made.
There are some definite holes, but they are easily worked around. Nothing major.

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> Gaia (Venusaur) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 40 HP / 252 SAtk / 216 Spd
Modest Nature
> - Giga Drain
> - Growth
> - Sleep Powder
> - Sludge Bomb

Originally I had Ho-Oh here, but when the team finished and I had no spinner, I realized I couldn’t keep Ho-Oh on. So I changed it to a sun sweeper, and boy am I happy with this feller. Under Sun they lose a pokemon to Sleep Powder and on the switch I get a +2 boost from Growth. The Dual STAB attacking moves do leave me vulnerable to several pokemon like Dialga, but as Venusaur is my cleaner for late-game, he usually only has to deal with bulky survivors. And for that reason I decided Sludge Bomb > EQ to deal with Ho-Oh who (unless running Tailwind) is utterly decimated by Sludge Bomb. Even powerful walls like Giratina-A will fall to this brutal cleaner. And I absolutely love it when people think Scarf Genesect outspeeds Venu in Sun.

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> Problem? (Palkia) @ Lustrous Orb
> Ability: Pressure
> EVs: 56 HP / 252 SAtk / 200 Spd
> Modest Nature
> - Fire Blast
> - Hydro Pump
> - Spacial Rend
> - Thunder

Yeah, there’s a big problem. Lustrous Orb Palkia is WAY too powerful. With Sun Boosted Fire Blast, and Orb boosted Dual STABs Spacial Rend and Hydro Pump, nothing will stand in the way. Most people expect ScarfKia which means that I can Spacial Rend a dragon, they bring in Ferro, and BAM Fire Blast. Thunder is there to deal with rain teams. However quite often I’m likely to use Spacial Rend on a Kyogre that has Zekrom in the back. Normally safer and it deals enough damage to rival Thunder. Also most people will do the switch to Zekrom which ruins them with a Spacial Rend (unless random miss [it’s happened]). Pretty standard EVs, I knew I wouldn’t need max spd, so I decided to run enough to outspeed several different pokemon, and then invest some EVs in HP, allowing me to tank Thunders from Kyogre better. Also it allowed me to choose a Modest nature, which is even more powerful than should be allowed in Ubers.

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> Steel Dog (Dialga) @ Choice Scarf
> Ability: Pressure
> EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
> Timid Nature
> - Aura Sphere
> - Draco Meteor
> - Fire Blast
> - Sunny Day

Since most people expect Palkia to carry Scarf, it allows me to fake a support Dialga, and run a Surprise Scarf on him. I have it from two different battlers (Hex being one of them) that ScarfAlga is amazing. I have to agree. It has wicked powerful SAtk, and with Scarf a good speed. Aura Sphere sees almost no use, as Draco Meteor can dent everything except steel types which melt in the face of a Fire Blast. Knowing this I was stymied on the last part until I came to Sunny Day. I figured wth, and slapped it on. It’s saved me many times, when Groudon goes down and rain, sand, or hail is prevailing. Often people become reckless with their weather setters after the opponent loses the weather war, which means that after killing their setter, I get five turns of Scarfed Sunny Day to eliminate their weather, and ofr five turns, mine back.

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> EKiller (Arceus) @ Leftovers
> Ability: Multitype
> EVs: 248 HP / 252 SDef / 8 Spd
> Careful Nature
> - Recover
> - Will-O-Wisp
> - Cosmic Power
> - Return

I love this WallCeus. Pretty straightforward really, Burn Physical attackers, set up on Cosmic Power, Return on anything that isn’t ghost type, and Recover when needed. The beauty of WallCeus is that unlike other Arceus walls, he doesn’t need to carry a plate, allowing him to carry Lefties, for better recovery. I would say the only fault behind this set, is that it can’t deal with phazers. But that’s something I’m willing to deal with as he’s so far only here to tank DMeteors for the rest of the team.

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> ARGH!!!! (Giratina) @ Leftovers
> Ability: Pressure
> EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
> Impish Nature
> - Dragon Tail
> - Rest
> - Sleep Talk
> - Roar

ARGH!!!! Is the correct response to this Giratina. As I’m not running Will-O-Wisp, and Arceus is tanking Special attacks, I went for Max Defense Giratina. Capable of tanking an Outrage from Zekrom, I can Dragon Tail and continue messing around with the opponent. The team has no hazards which makes you think that phasing is completely useless. Well it’s not. So many people like to set up (looks at the two set up sweepers on his own team) that this Giratina set has become an invaluable asset to the team. Also provides a great switch in to any fighting move. The main reason Giratina has not been shipped out in favor of anyone else is because of EKiller. Unless burned, Giratina is the only one capable of tanking a hit and phasing him out, day after day. For that reason Giratina has stayed on the team.

Continued in Answer

retagged by
Mr.K logic: "Bye Black and White2, hello X and Y", then only uses Pokemon up to Platinum version.
title had nothing to do with team. Title had to do with the fact that i didn't have a title :P

1 Answer

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> Thuggish (Groudon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 28 Atk / 64 Def / 160 SDef / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature
> - Swords Dance
> - Earthquake
> - Stone Edge
> - Rock Polish

There’s a chance you’re looking at this set going “Wtf is this guy smoking” and I swear I can answer that. I started out by wanting to build a sun team, but I also wanted a Groudon that could take hits. The first thing I knew was that I would need a Max HP, so 252 HP was entered. Then, I figured I would need some SDef to tank some of those powerful hits from the Uber tier. I went to the calcs and started boosting the SDef until I was happy with the result, 160 provided me with good breathing room and survivability. I knew I would need some Def EVs as well, otherwise powerful physical attackers like Band-Oh and Excadrill would still give me issues. Knowing I wouldn’t need as many Def EVs as SDef EVs, I worked it out the same way. Increasing the Defense until I was happy with the hits Groudon could take. I then dumped the rest in Attack, and slapped an Adamant nature on him. With this spread however, I wasn’t sure what kind of moveset would work well, I originally thought Band, but SteelJackal suggested that with this spread I could easily get away with Double Dancing Groudon. So I adjusted the moveset and went to test. First game he swept the opponent’s team. I was flabbergasted. But I knew that the set was definitely not perfect, as I’m still a n00b, so I asked Sweep what he thought. He said two things, “Always speed creep”, and, “248 HP so you have an odd number for HP”. And so I took 4 Atk EVs and 4 HP EVs and threw them in Speed. After a couple weeks of using the team, I was facing someone with a Latios. I was at +2 and +2, all set to sweep. Latios survived Stone Edge with 0.3%...
So I took 4 Def and put them in Attack. The spread was perfected as much as possible.
Rock Polish and Swords Dance are my stat boosters, and it isn’t too difficult to set them up on most leads. Darkrai can provide issues with Dark Void, but I can normally deal with that just fine. The most trouble I have is against Defensive walls who can afford to switch in on +2 EQ and the next turn phaze me. Hippowdon is an example of this. SDef Giratina-A is 2HKO by +2 EQ as are Kyogre, Mewtwo, Palkia, Espeon, and several other common Uber pokemon. Stone Edge completes the EdgeQuake combo, and works beauties against the Lati twins, Xatu, Ho-Oh, Tornadus, Landorus, and Shaymin. It gets a OHKO on all of them, except Landorus who takes hefty damage from it (when it hits). Groudon himself doesn’t utilize the sun much, except to assist in his survival. ScarfPalkia under sun gets a 3HKO with Spacial Rend, which hits harder than Hydro Pump (sun). Kyogre locked into Ice Beam (who stupidly stays in) will get a 2HKO if Specs and 3HKO is Scarfed. PsychoKiller Mewtwo gets a 2HKO with Ice Beam. Excadrill under sun falls to Groudon. Under sand Groudon can tank +2 EQ then retaliate in kind with a OHKO. If the opponent is running some gimmick like BalloonExcadrill, then Groudon still has the upper hand (seeing that Groudon being in will almost guarantee that I have weather), but as Excadrill can’t do enough damage without +2 I still take the day with Stone Edge to pop the balloon and then KO with EQ. I could continue talking about Groudon, but I think you get the gist. I’ll continue with the team.

Here are some calcs, gonna link it because i don't wanna jump the character limit.
Calc list for spread

The team doesn’t look great, no spinner, no hazards, only one physical attacker, no true Kyogre check (Palkia doesn’t do well against Specs Thunder guys), but the team can surprise, and rip apart many walls, and opposing HO teams. I enjoy using the team, as it’s different enough to be unique (like that’s even possible anymore), yet standard enough to surprise people when the sets turn out differently. And yes I do realize I used three dragon types, and only one steel (who has secondary dragon typing). And yes I realize they (the dragons) all come from Gen IV. The team is sturdy, has a great lead, great weather, great cleaner, scarfer, walls and powerhouse. I enjoy using it, and it hates me for being used so much.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think, or any questions you have.


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I don't like your lack of hazards. On such a hyper offensive team its confusing to why you lack them. Pokemon like Venasaur really appreciate them as it just doesn't hit as hard as it does in OU, nor does it have the same chances to set up.
When I had a hazard setter (I went through multiple different setters) i wasn't happy with the team's function or synergy. SO I removed him. So far the team's worked by denting multiple pokemon then bringing in Dialga/Venusaur to finish off the weakned pokes. And Giratina/Arceus can wall to death.
I just wasn't happy with the team I had with the various hazard setters I used.