Pokémon Rate My Team
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Thanks for all the suggestions on my team from yesterday. I set aside my favoritism and just went for a solid team all around. Some are similar to yesterday's choices, some are different. Just some overall thoughts would be fantastic.

Bronzong w/ Light Clay
EVs: 252 HP, 204 Def, 52 SDef
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spd)

-Light Screen
-Gyro Ball

My new dual-screener. Get them up as fast as a Bronzong can move (which is about the speed of a tank), then get out. If it has to stay in for some reason, its high defenses mixed with the brand new screens mean it can stay around for some time. Gyro Ball pretty much gets rid of anything that doesn't flat out resist it due to a mix of Bronzong's abysmal speed and STAB. Earthquake other steels to send them crying home.

Metagross w/ Leftovers
EVs: 152 HP / 252 Atk / 104 Spd
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk)

-Ice Punch
-Meteor Mash

Not much change here. My physical tank, just needed a physical set all-around. Get fast with Agility, then use Earthquake to smash steels like yourself. Ice Punch is for dragons and Gliscor, and Meteor Mash is a good STAB that will also raise your already high attack even more occasionally. Who can turn that down?

Starmie w/ Life Orb
EVs: 252 SAtk/ 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)

-Rapid Spin

Yeah, I did it. I added a spinner. Thank God for it. Anyway, a classic spin set for Starmie, to get rid of our hazards for some of our more fragile Pokémon (i.e., Volcarona). Surf to get rid of the fire that the previous two could KO instantly from. Psyshock to throw the foe for a loop, as well as a nice STAB. Recover keeps it alive, and sort of makes up for its bad defenses.

Kingdra w/ Lum Berry
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk)

-Dragon Dance
-Ice Beam

Just Improved my last Kingdra set. Give it Swift Swim for the abundance of rain, and Outage to sweep dragons. Lum Berry means it'll be ready to battle right away without confusion. Dragon Dance to turn Kingdra into a devastator. Ice Beam for some coverage, and to eliminate any steels that might come in your way, and Waterfall as a nice STAB physical to go with your dance.

Zapdos w/ Choice Specs
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SAtk / 176 Spd
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid (+Spd, -Atk)

-Heat Wave
-Hidden Power Grass

My replacement for Altaria (so sad... and outclassed) and hopefuly my Special Sweeper; hit hard, fast, and get out. Thunderbolt is a good STAB, and Heat Wave and HP Grass give some nice coverage. U-Turn out before you faint. Rinse and repeat.

Volcarona w/ Expert Belt
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Modest (+SAtk, -Atk)

-Fiery Dance
-Quiver Dance
-Bug Buzz
-Giga Drain

Another special sweeper, though hopefully with Starmie's Rapid Spin, this thing can last a few turns. Quiver Dance boost its already sky high special attack to horrifying levels, and the speed and special defense boosts help it to hit faster and take more hits. Never something to complain about. And, since you have to take Volcarona on physically due to its high special defence, the Flame Body will both harm your opponent and lower their attack, letting Volcarona live that much longer. A combo you can't beat. Fiery Dance is a special STAB to burn through anything, even resistors after all the boosts. Bug Buzz is another. Giga Drain is for your pesky weakness to rock type, also benefitting with recovery to help you to stay on the field longer. Hopefully, you'll never lose your Volcarona.

That's my new and improved set. Some old, some new, all better (hopefully). As always, suggestions, ideas, anything would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for all the support from my last team!


1 Answer

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This looks like a really good team all around. There are only a few things I'd change about it.

Not much to change here. Bronzong is a pretty good lead screener. Only thing I'd change is changing the nature to Impish (+Def, -Sp.Atk) or Careful (+Sp.Def, -Sp.Atk). I don't think there is any reason to lower Special Defense, when you'll be using that and not be using Special Attack.

Pretty good.

I'd switch psyshock our for psychic. Psychic gets more power, first of all. I think you have enough physical attacks on your team, so you'd be good moving psyshock to psychic. You could keep it the way it is, if you want, and it'd still be a very good set.

I like the set, but I'd switch HP Grass for HP Fighting, because it covers both of Zapdos' weaknesses.

Decent set, but I don't get the Lum Berry. Usually Lum Berry goes with rest, so maybe put that on in place of something else. Ice beam doesn't get boosted by DD, so maybe drop that.
I personally like to run special sets on Kingrda with Lum Berry and Rest, Dragon Pulse, Surf/Scald, and Ice Beam. Maybe consider this set.

I don't see any problems with this.

Good team overall, good type coverage. Hope I helped! Good luck!

The reason people will run Psyshock > Psychic is to hit the massively SDef walls Blissey and Chansey.
ChestoResto > Lum + Rest. Lum is nice to have for any burns or paralyzes.
Kingdra is better as a special sweeper.

Kingdra@ life orb
252sp attack/252 speed/ 4 hp
trait swift swin
hydro pump
draco meteor
Ice beam
rain dance