Pokémon Rate My Team
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At a glance:
golembutterfree Offensive Core: Golem & Butterfree
laprasludicoloDefensive Core: Lapras & Ludicolo
persianluxrayOther: Persian & Luxray

Offensive Core: Golem & Butterfree

Golem@ Leftovers
EV's: 252 HP, 128 Atk, 128 Def
Trait: Sturdy
Adamant Nature

-Rock Blast
-Stealth Rock
-Sucker Punch

EV's:252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 SpDef
Trait: Compoundeyes
Timid Nature

-Sleep Powder
-Bug Buzz
-Quiver Dance
-Hidden Power {GROUND}

Defensive Core: Lapras & Ludicolo

EV's:248 HP, 8 SpAtk , 252 SpDef
Trait: Water Absorb
Calm Nature

-Ice Beam

EV's 248 HP, 204 SpDef, 56 SpAtk
Trait: Rain Dish
Calm Nature

-Giga Drain
-Leech Seed

Other Pokémon: Persian & Luxray

Persian@ Life Orb
EV's:252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Jolly Nature

-Fake Out

Luxray@Life Orb
EV's: 252 Spd, 128 Sp. Atk, 128 Atk
Mild/Lonely Nature

-Wild Charge
-Hidden Power {GRASS}
-Volt Switch

So, What do you think? This is my first attempt at an NU team, but I think I did pretty well. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I think I need a Fighting-type counter, and a strict physical wall. Possibly replacing Lapras for the physical wall, and maybe Luxray for the Fighting counter.

edited by
This seriously looks more a Gen V team than a Gen VI at my eyes. Not bad, but not great. I will try to help as soon as possible, but right now, I have to focus more on homework and schoolwork. Thank you for understanding it ;)
yeah, ive got some homework too... they look like gen v because im using the gen v smogon sets and tiers. ill use them in y, though.
But you should also use better Pokémons overall. I mean wut! Butterfree ? You may replace it by Vivilon, or Masquerain, with wider movepools and better stats. I see a triple weakness to Fighting, and Butterfree will not take them all.

Sawk will 3HKO Butterfree with Close Combat, and OHKO it with Stone Edge. Beside Butterfree, no weapon against Fighting. So, your team will be swept by Sawk. You may dish in a better Pokémon, overall.
I chose Butterfree because I like Bug-Types. Vivillon or Masquerain are viable options.
And way, Vivillion or Masquerain are much better! Vivillon can spam Hurricane with Compoundeyes and works marvelously well under Tailwind support. Masquerain has access to the ever-useful Ice Beam and Blizzard as well as Hydro Pump (thank you, Surskit!)
you need a way to use rain dish. Other than that great!
this should be a comment

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