Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

>Hai, Mew sucks, bai.
Anyways, Mew and I decided to build a Pokebank team around Mega Mawile. And we did, which is why you are spending your time reading this. Anyways, this team is pretty legit, and does really good, considering Mew and I made it (cause we suck). So yeah, enjoy what Mew will ramble on about, and ultimately, enjoy the team.

>So hai, Lenub is actually the one who saks :D
>But this team we made actually worked (unbelievably), and we haves laddered with it quite a bit.
>By we, I mean Lenub only :P
>But nevertheless, this team was built around a Mega Pokemon that Lenub and I really wanted to try - Mega Mawile. Knowing that it was slow, we opted for Wish support, Paralysis support, residual damage, and others to keep Mawile nice and healthy for sweeping. Although sometimes it isn't Mawile that's sweeping, it cleans up for our other sweepers. Enough rambling, I believe that the team is right below this.... I hope.

Team Preview:


 Type        Resists                           Weaknesses
 Normal      Genesect, Mawile, Tyranitar
 Fighting    Landorus, Togekiss                Tyranitar
 Ghost       Tyranitar
 Dark        Tyranitar, Togekiss
 Psychic     Genesect, Mawile, Tyranitar
 Poison      Landorus, Genesect, Mawile        Togekiss
 Grass       Genesect, Mawile, Togekiss        Vaporeon, Tyranitar
 Water       Vaporeon                          Landorus, Tyranitar
 Fire        Tyranitar, Vaporeon               Genesect, Mawile
 Ice         Genesect, Mawile, Vaporeon        Landorus, Togekiss
 Ground      Landorus, Togekiss                Mawile, Tyranitar
 Rock        Mawile
 Steel       Genesect, Vaporeon                Togekiss, Tyranitar
 Dragon      Genesect, Mawile, Togekiss
 Electric    Landorus                          Togekiss, Vaporeon
 Bug         Landorus, Genesect, Mawile,       Tyranitar
 Flying      Mawile, Tyranitar
 Fairy       Genesect, Mawile                  Tyranitar

The team:

Landorus @ Life Orb

Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd | IVs: 2 Atk / 30 Def
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Earth Power
  • Focus Blast
  • Sludge Wave

>Formerly a Scarf Garchomp, but was changed due to how fast is was taken out

Landorus, once the god of BW OU, is back to take his throne in Gen 6. Due to being banned (which he shouldn't have been), Landorus's most infamous set, Modest Rock Polish, didn't see much light in Ubers. However, when first building this team, Mew and I decided to use it, granted that a +2 Speed Lando is SERIOUSLY nothing to mess with. But in this generation's Metagame, all you see is Offense, Offense, and more Offense. So we took out Rock Polish and replaced it for HP Ice. The IVs allow us to obtained the desired HP Ice and grant us less damage from Foul Play, while maintaining our Speed IVs. This allows us to kill any annoying Gliscor's and Lando-T's who think we run the modified version of RP + 3 attacks (Which uses Sludge Wave instead of HP Ice). Earth Power is still as amazing as ever, being able to just obliterate the enemy's grounded Pokemons. Focus Blast is here to deal with any Air Balloon Steels, the most common ones being Heatran and Excadrill. Focus Miss also allows us to really dent Rotom-W and Rotom-H (not Rotom-C, since it falls to our other moves). Finally, Sludge Wave lets us easily 2HKO SDef Celebi, and allows us to pick off weakened Pokemon that wont die to HP Ice/Focus Blast, like Rotom-W/H. It also proves to be an efficient way to rid of the new and kinda common Fairy types, so yay. Although the Timid variant is notably "weaker" than the original set, it still is a notable threat to watch out for.

Genesect @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Download
EVs: 8 Atk / 248 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, SDef)

  • U-turn
  • Flamethrower
  • Ice Beam
  • Iron Head

The monster that terrorized early BW2 OU is back, and is better than ever. Although Steel Pokemon did get nerfed in the sense of not being resistant to Ghost and Dark anymore, Steel gained the ability to counter the somewhat popular Fairy type. We used to run Expert Belt to surprise everything because of the extremely common Choice Scarf set, but switched back to standard after our old scarfer didn't work out too well.This Genesect does what most of the Genesect of Gen 5 did - scout Pokemon with U-turn will expressing great coverage. EVs give Genesect maximum Special Atatcking potential while putting some in Attack to nail U-turn a bit harder. 8 Atk EVs allow Genesct to gain 1 extra point in Attack, while detracting from SAtk. After Download, the SAtk stat would be the same as it was 252 SAtk. Naive Nature is for sponging the insane amount of priority this generation, especially from Aegislash, Lucario, and Scizor. The moveset is pretty standard for a Scarf Genesect. U-turn is STAB and allows us to scout what the opponent has, and picks off weakened opponents. Flamethrower roasts all the Steel Pokemon, except Heatran of course. But hey, what are teammates for? Ice Beam grants us coverage on Dragon Pokemon and Flying Pokemon, which is great considering the number of x4 Ice weak Pokemon there are in Pokemon at the moment. We used to run Giga Drain on Genesect to screw over Rotom-W, but we ditched it for STAB Iron Head, as it is more easily spammable and allows us to score a harder hit on Fairy Pokemon.

Mawile (F) @ Mawilite

Ability: Intimidate --> Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+ Atk, - SAtk)

  • Substitute
  • Iron Head
  • Play Rough
  • Sucker Punch

Ah, and you thought we'd save the best for last, huh? Anyways, this Mawile has pulled its weight, and especially the weight of the others. Unlike the common SD + 3 Attacks Mawile that runs Hyper Cutter to prevent Lando-T switch-ins, this baby provides a more bulky, but still offensive presence. Substitute, when paired with Intimidate, grants Mawile a lot of bulk, and most of the time, forces a switch. This is especially important since Mawile is extremely slow, sitting at base 50 Speed. However, paralysis support from Togekiss somewhat alleviates this issue. So free Sub time, and that is where Mawile begins to show what it's made of. Iron Head is not only STAB, but a great move in general, and a "safer" option against things like TTar, when we absolutely cannot risk a miss. It also hits opposing Steels and random Ice types, so that's always appreciated. Play Rough, however, is the superior STAB move, boasting a 10 higher Base Power than Iron Head. It also allows Mew and I to get rid of any Dragon on the field that is not behind Screens, a Sub, or is running a Defensive spread (I'm looking at you, BulkyNite). Finally, it is worth noting that Sucker Punch is our most important move on Mawile, being able to effectively revenge kill a large quantity of the Pokebank metagame, and helps negate Mawile's poor speed stat. It is also worth noting that in a 1v1, Mawile beats MegaMom (MegaKang) with Intimidate + Play Rough + Sucker Punch.


1 Answer

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Togekiss (F) @ Leftovers

Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 40 SAtk / 28 SDef / 192 Spd | IVs: 0 Atk
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

  • Thunder Wave
  • Air Slash
  • Defog
  • Roost

Togekiss is a Pokemon that I feel is one of the most buffed Pokemon in Generation 6. It obtained the Fairy typing, granting us a x4 Fighting weakness and a x4 Bug weakness, which is fantastic for such a bulky Pokemon like Togekiss. However, it does become for susceptible to Bullet Punch, but teammates have that in handy. Since it has the new Fairy typing, it has the power to utilize a bulkier offensive EV spread, which is what we accomplished in the EV spread above. We also cut Attack IVs so Togekiss could receive less damage from Foul Play.And since our Mega, Mawile, sits at a pitiful 50 Speed, Thunder Wave support is optimal on Togekiss, which is what we have. And what is Togekiss known for the most? Paraflinching, that's what! With Serene Grace, the chances of Flinching for STAB Air Slash becomes 60%, and when combined with paralysis support, the opponent has few opportunities to attack and gets whittled down pretty quickly. Another reason why Togekiss got buffed is its accessibility to Defog, which no removes hazards from both sides of the field, which is fantastic for getting rid of Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the newly introduced Sticky Web. And since our team doesn't even run any hazards, we were fine with using Defog instead of a Rapid Spinner. Plus, Ghost types are absolutely everywhere this generation, so running Rapid Spin isn't even that great anymore, and spinblocking is so much easier this generation. Finally, as Togekiss deals so much support, reliable recovery in the form of Roost allows it recover from any stall war, especially since Paraflinch can take a pretty long time to pull off.

Tyranitar (M) @ Assault Vest

Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

  • Stone Edge
  • Crunch
  • Superpower
  • Pursuit

Tyranitar, although experiencing a weather nerf, became absolutely better because of a certain item named Assault Vest. Since Sand already boosts TTar's SDef by 1.5x, and Assault Vest ALSO boosts SDef by 1.5x (in exchange for being Perma-Taunted). This grants it 738 Special Defense, which is absolutely insane, and thus makes it almost impossible to OHKO from the Special side of the attacking spectrum (screw you Focus Miss, you bully). Stone Edge and Crunch are basic and powerful STAB moves, dealing a number on most Pokemon, even with an uninvested Atk stat. Superpower is a great coverage move, and dishes out an acceptable amount of damage to the likes of Heatran and Ferrothorn, and is generally a "safe" move to use if you don't know what your opponent will do next. Pursuit may seem odd here, but necessary, with the likes of Perish Trapping MGengar around. We mostly aim not to reveal Pursuit if the opponent has Gengar on their team, and spam Crunch until Gengar Disables it. Then, while it is in the commodity of escaping, it will die off to Pursuit, and TTar will be a hero for the team and for the battle. If no Gengar is present, then Pursuit takes on the role to hurt Talonflame while it is switching, and hurt Celebi variants with U-Turn.

Vaporeon (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef | IVs: 0 Atk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

  • Scald
  • Wish
  • Protect
  • Heal Bell

If we didn't run Mega Mawile, Vaporeon would definitely be the MVP of the team. Sporting a great presence as a bulky water, its synergy is decent with the team, and proved to be a great Cleric. Scald is our only attacking move, and is great at what is does; Burns. Since a majority of the competitive community didn't take Blaine's advice on carrying Burn Heals, Vaporeon makes them regret that, and thus poses problems for Aegislash, MegaMom, Scizors, and much more. It also deals decent damage, due to Vaporeon's respectable base 110 SAtk stat. Wish, however, is what Vaporeon boasts of more; its enormous 130 HP stat. This easily heals up any member of the team, and is of most use to Tyranitar and Mawile, both being somewhat of a necessity to preserve in battle. Protect lets us stall out a turn of a Burn, stall out the wait for Wish, or simply scout the opponents move. Heal Bell is of a great help to the team. Since everything and their mother (Not Kangaskhan) runs Will-O-Wisp or TWave now, Vappy comes in to rid of the team's status and make the opponents effort to shut our Pokemons down be in vain.

Past team members:

Garchomp (M) @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

  • Fire Fang
  • Outrage
  • Earthquake
  • Poison Jab

Replay Section:




Landorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 Def
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Sludge Wave

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 8 Atk / 248 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- U-turn
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain

Mawile (F) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch

Togekiss (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 40 SAtk / 28 SDef / 192 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder Wave
- Air Slash
- Defog
- Roost

Tyranitar (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Superpower
- Pursuit

Vaporeon (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell

A final look at the team:

Awesome team! Mega mawile is defiantly one of the best megas