Pokémon Rate My Team
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After playing gen 6 for a while I managed to determine specific threats and go all anti-meta and that. And in terms of megas, I had yet to try out pinsir and venusaur. Since I play more offense I chose mega pinsir as my mega of choice and holy **** it's good. After that I just built a team around it. I managed to get 1700+ with this team and since I'm a derp that's pretty good :3

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Mega Pinsir@Pinsirite
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Ability: Mold Breaker-->Aerialate
EVs: 252 atk 4 spd 252 spe
Nature: Jolly
-Swords Dance
-Quick Attack

A huge 155 attack and aerialate backing it makes Frustration do a LOT of damage, OHKO'ing a lot of things that aren't really invested in bulk. Speaking of, I ran Frustration so that opposing ditto can't mess with me. We all know what Swords Dance does, it takes a truck and turns it into a 180 mph freight train at full force. After a swords dance there is almost nothing that can take a frustration. Most pokes that can survive a frustration at +2 will definitely not be able to take an Earthquake to the face. Examples include the notorious Aegislash, Heatran, and Tyranitar. For any faster pokemon that are faster and have a danger of revenge killing me, they'll have to answer to Quick Attack, which will most likely chip away a **** lot of their health. It's also useful to have some priority STAB to help take out that last 10% of a sweeper. Unfortunately other mega Pinsir and Fire types and BLOODY TALONFLAME threaten to end me. Fortunately Pinsir is a package pokemon and with it comes....

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Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP 116 def 140 SPECIAL DEFENSE (29 speed IV's)
Nature: Modest
-Volt Switch
-Hydro Pump
-Pain Split

Rotom-W is just a pain in the ass due to his amazing typing paired up with levitate to save it from a crushing ground weakness. I ran a mostly defensive set with a TBB twist. Since I get to WoW pokes, I chose to run more special defense, and I also ran modest so that rotom can actually hurt the opponent. Of course with such good typing it also tends to force a lot of switches, which is why I have Volt Switch to keep the momentum on my side. I also ran 29 Iv's in speed so that I go last against opposing rotom and have the momentum on my side. Hydro Pump hits it where it hurts and gets excadrill on the switch. Will-O-Wisp is to get those nasty physical attackers so that they can't touch me. Pain Split shenanigans are to increase longevity while using Chansey to my advantage since I don't have recovery outside of chesto-rest and leftovers which I'm already holding.

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Ability: Terravolt
EVs: 56 HP 216 spa 236 spe
Mild Nature
-Ice Beam
-Earth Power
-Fusion Bolt

Kyurem-B is an excellent pokemon this gen, it's ability to completely render stallmons like rotom and mega venusaur useless and take them out with it's excellent ability terravolt(basically a mold breaker) makes it a very dangerous poke and it serves as an excellent anti-lead. Substitute is easy to set up thanks to kyurem's excellent bulk and I also ran 56 HP for 101 substitutes. Once that sub is up, kyurem has few switch ins. Ice Beam is standard STAB and and with Earth Power, it gives me mammoth coverage(PUN INTENDED). Fusion Bolt is another nice part of kyurem's move-set and since it gets that godly attack, it doesn't need investment to leave a mark. The coverage it gets with those three moves is dangerous enough. There IS a reason Kyurem-B is commonly referred to as the bane of stall and since we all hate stall Kyurem-B is a great partner to have. And speaking of great partners...

Aegislash@Spooky Plate
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Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 56 HP 200 atk 252 spa
Nature: Quiet
-Shadow Ball
-Shadow Sneak
-King's Shield
-Sacred Sword

It's simple, Aegislash switches into everything that kyurem don't like. After it does that it forces heavy pressure against the opponent. Shadow Ball is a nuke with 150 Special attack and spooky plate backing it up. Since ghost=the new dragon, there aren't many things that can switch into it. Common switch ins like Bisharp and Tyranitar can easily be demolished by Sacred Sword and Mandibuzz is scared off by rotom and kyurem. Since shadow ball takes most switch-ins to around 80% I have Shadow Sneak to finish off the job. Of course we can't have aegislash without Kings Shield, which allows it to turn back into it's bulky form and troll all sorts of physical attackers.

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Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP 156 def 100 SPECIAL DEFENSE
Nature: Bold
-Foul Play

Nobody likes sneaky pebbles but Pinsir and Kyurem especially don't like it especially. That's why I chose to put in Mandibuzz. It was one of the most buffed pokemon of gen 6 and boy was it a good one.It's an excellent switch in to a lot of things and after that it can easily use Defogto remove not only entry hazards but dual screens as well. Roost is a pretty obvious move, it increases longevity and is a must have on pretty much every Mandibuzz. Foul Play gets past Mandibuzz's Pathetic attack and instead uses the opponents attack. Since Mandibuzz is so bulky it can switch into DDance users and pretty much end it with foul play which is part of the reason it's so good. There are a lot of good choices to put in the fourth slot, knock off, taunt, but what I've found the most useful is definitely Whirlwind. It ends Clefable's reign of terror and is just a good way to shuffle the opponent's team to see how they play and better predict.

Terrakion@Choice Scarf
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Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 HP 252 atk 252 spe
Nature: Jolly
-Rock Slide
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge

I would have loved to keep Breloom, but certain fast threats and just threats in general were a threat to the team. Since my team didn't carry the best speed, I just too a Terrakion because with a choice scarf, checks both Thundurus and Charizard(s), two major annoyances. Close Combat is of course my spam move of choice. Rock Slide is my main revenge killing move since I don't need Stone miss to miss....of course Stone Edge can be used for situations I need power over accuracy. Earthquake is to get stuff like Aegislash that wall me. I used him for a while now, and I have to say it's a very crucial member to the team.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed my team. I worked really hard on this RMT so pleez give it a look. Thanks! ^-^


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Ok, the ev spread for rotom, I kinda goofed up :P, for mandibuzz I tried to give it some special defense and that EV set would take a fire blast from megazard-y and live, because 100 spd, and 140 spd=SPECIAL DEFENSE not speed. jeez I'm not that stupid I run spe=speed and for breloom that's a ev set for sub punch breloom
I used to run 4 hp 252 atk 252 spa, but since I usually just spam shadow ball and barely use sneak n sword, I decided to tweak the Evs and give me bulk. I also wanted rotom to tank hits from both sides so I gave him pretty even defenses on both sides and since he had WoW I gave him some more special attack. Same with Mandibuzz. As for Breloom, that's a gen 5 subpunch set, so the EV's are fine :/
there I edited it for you :P
Actually, the way you indicate "speed" is misleading. In terms of PS!, speed is referred to as "Spd", whereas Special Defense is shortened to "SDef".

So really, it's kinda confusing for both sides.

Still, it's no excuse for my ignorance for not looking deeper into the matter.
I yeah i'm sorry but spd is also used as special defense and that's how I learned it, sorry for the confusion, now that you know I'm not an idiot with EVs can I get some help :P

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