Pokémon Rate My Team
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Cherrim @ Heat Rock
Flower Gift
252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Spd
-Sunny Day
-Seed Bomb
-Morning Sun

Cherrim is my sun setter. The idea is to get up sun and survive as long as possible to help Char-X and others. Morning Sun is the best recovery option available in sun. Seed Bomb is to not be taunt bait and is a good STAB move. Cherrim also gets the boost in attack from his ability Flower GIft, so he works best as a physical attaacker. Protect is to stall and survive as long as possible to keep Flower GIft going. I chose an EV spread with lots of speed instead of investing in defesive bulk because I prefer the extra speed.

Tough Claws
252 Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 Sp. Def
-Rock Slide
-Flare Blitz/Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw

My main attacking option. Cherrims Flower Gift will take care of his pretty bad Sp. Def, and of course it will raise his attack as well. Rock Slide is for coverage and a chance to flinch. Flare Blitz is suicide but the only other option is Fire Fang which is even worse. Dragon Claw is his other STAB. Roost/Protect is how I keep my charizard alive. He also provides a surprise factor. Seeing the Cherrim and the rest of my team in the preview leads people to believe I'm running sun so they naturally expect Charizard-Y.

Rotom-W @ Choice Specs
4 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd
-Hidden Power Fire
-Hydro Pump

Right away my team is Talonflame weak. Rotom is a perfect counter and he pairs well with my two leading options. Trick is to cripple things like Meowstic-M or other support pokemon. Thunderbolt and Hydro Pump are STAB. Hidden Power Fire in the sun does good damage against steels and grass types.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
-Ice Fang
-Rock Slide

Another Talonflame counter. I live in constant fear of being wrecked by Talonflame because it has happened so often to me before. Rock Slide is for coverage. Earthquake is STAB and is a spread move. Ice Fang lets me hit dragons such as garchomp and protect is to stall for recovery.

Chansey @ Eviolite
Natural Cure
252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Sp. Def
-Seismic Toss
-Soft Boiled
-Helping Hand

Chansey is another support pokemon. Seismic Toss is her best way to damage things taking about a third or a fourth of health on average. Soft Boiled is to keep her eggs fresh. Bulldoze is just for speed control, and Helping Hand lets my pokemon hit harder. She can also stall out Talonflame with Softboiled.

Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 252 Def
-Phantom Force
-Wood Hammer

And I also have a fear of Mega-Khan. Will-o-Wisp cripples it, but burn doesnt really hurt Mega-Khan. Aside from SuckerPunch Khan can't really touch him so I'll have to predict around it. Growth is to set up in the sun and get +2, along with a flower gift boost maybe. Wood Hammer is STAB. Phantom Force is STAB and hits through protect which is common in VGC.

Some other options I've considered are Custap Berry +Explosion Gigalith, Chlorophyll Sawsbuck or Chlorophyll Shifty, Porygon2, Cloyster and Mega Houndoom with Solar Power

Any suggestions would be helpful, and If you believe one of these ^ other pokemon would be a better fit let me know. Thanks in advance <3

You have OU in the tags. :) But I am assuming you are doing VGC 2014 because of the Mega Evo...
BTW, Custap Berry is not out yet.
I also don't think Sawsbuck and Porygon 2 are legal VGC Pokemon. Wait a sec, I don't think Cherrim is VGC legal either... there goes your team. Time to find a replacement... :(

You forgot to list Gliscor's EV's.

On paper it seems like a solid VGC team... but I'll wait for you to fix this problem before trying to find replacements, since you can't use Cherrim at all in VGC 2014.
The best sun setting teams I find are Charizard Y or Ninetales based for sun setting, and pair the duo with Venusaur. Trick Room and opposing weather give you trouble, specifically rain and Hail since they can take out just about anything on your team once the rain goes up, and the sun goes down. Same with Hail to a lesser extent. Hailroom destroys you. But trigger weather puts the weather setting into your favor by making it manual. You also need Fake Out + Intimidate support in a gen full of physical megas. Quick Guard Scrafty destroys Talonflame and adds 2 of those elements + Quick Guard. Roseli Berry with a certain EV spread (CBA to remember, it's 5:45 am) can survive -1 252 Adamant Mega Mawile's Play Rough from full HP, but since you run sun, you could potentially destroy it with Charizard X + Fake Out to flinch it.

Also, if you run Ninetales, you can run Mega Houndoom / Mega Manectric support with Snarl + Sun boosted Fire moves, even though Mega Manectric's typical home is rain.
Overall, halfway decent team

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