Pokémon Rate My Team
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Here it is:

Lead: Azelf @Focus Sash
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 6 HP
-Stealth Rock

Azelf was one of the best leads back in B/W, and continues to do nicely here. Taunt is to shut down other would-be set up leads, while Psychic is to wreak havoc on anything not a dark type (namely, Greninja and Tyranitar). Stealth rock is self explanatory, while Explosion is to leave a final mark on the battle. It will usually KO Greninja, and against most others, it will cripple them, letting me take it down easy.

Wall Breaker: Infernape @Choice Scarf
Iron Fist
EVs: 180 Atk, 78 SpA, 252 Speed
-Close Combat
-Thunder Punch (U-Turn)
-Hidden Power (Ice)

While this set looks... strange, there is a method to my madness. Choice scarf helps more then you would think, out speeding everything not set up in speed or Choice Scarfed itself. Close Combat is actually quite deadly, and can KO a lot of pokes. Overheat is nice and powerful, and can be a nice move to use then run away. Thunder Punch offers coverage against Water types that I normally wouldn't get, but I am considering swapping it with U-Turn for a pivot strat. Hidden Power Ice is nice for that one random Dragonite that thinks it can easily set up on Infernape.

Physical Attacker: Sharpedo @Life Orb
Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
-Ice Fang

Sharpedo is a nice, underrated pokemon. Truth is, Speed Boost on something with that attack power is quite deadly, and I simply love it. Waterfall is a nice STAB move that can be spammable. Crunch goes the same way, except for different type coverage. Ice Fang is for D-Nite and other flying types that dare try to set up on Sharpedo. Protect is mainly to build up speed, as with most pokemon with Speed Boost.

Special Attacker: Volcanora @Expert Belt
Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 6 SpD
-Bug Buzz
-Quiver Dance
-Fiery Dance
-Hidden Power (Ice)

Damn this thing is strong. Expert belt comes in handy a lot of times, as it can be used quite easily to trick an opponent into thinking it's choiced. When they try to set up on me, I simply Quiver Dance and wreak them :P. Bug Buzz is it's STAB move that pairs excellently with Expert Belt, dishing out terrible damage. Quiver Dance is to set up when I can. Fiery Dance is a nice STAB move, and good to use when the opponent is almost dead to try to get some extra Special Attack. Hidden Power Ice isn't as much to take down dragons this time, then it is to take down Ground Types packing Stone Edge.

Physical Sweeper: Medicham @Medichamite
Pure Power
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
-Fake Out
-Bullet Punch
-Psycho Cut
-Drain Punch

Ah Medicham. A little weaker then Mega-Mawile, but with enough speed it doesn't even matter. Pure Power obviously makes this thing remotely useable xD. Fake Out is a nice move to weaken pokemon when I switch in that would otherwise wall Medicham. Bullet Punch isn't the most spammable move, but it's a nice move to deal a death blow. Psycho Cut is that move where you wouldn't use it AS much, but it is nice to have to deal with those occasional fighting types. Drain Punch is my spam move, and with it's power, it's easy to see why.

Bulky Wall/Attacker: Zapdos @Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 6 SpD
-Heat Wave

Everything on this Zapdos is there for a reason. Modest is there because I want it to have some remote attacking power. With 314 Special Attack, it actually hits harder then you would think, and can thus be used as a bulky attacker. The EV Spread allows Zapdos not only to hit hard, but wall a lot of things. Thunderbolt is there as a STAB move that is perfectly spammable. Heat Wave is there to deal with those annoying grass types and, on a lower level, SOME ground types. Roost is to heal off excess damage, and maybe take a stone edge or 2... or 3. It can take a good amount of hits :P. Defog is there to get rid of hazards and, if Azelf is still alive, plant my own. This is, despite what some of you may think, one of the best Pokemon on my team.

What am I looking for:
-Maybe a nice replacement for a wall breaker. I don't really like Infernape ATM, and would rather something different.

-I would like a replacement for Sharpedo. A nice, Physical attacker that fits well with my team would be amazing.

Thanks so much!

This is a well made team imo. I don't really feel like rating your team right now lol, but whatever this team is pretty well made i guess.
lol thanks bro :P I try.
1. Azelf: The advantage of explosion on a lead like Azelf is mostly for the free switch-out. It actually doesn't do as much damage this gen, sadly.
2. Replacement suggestions:
a. Keep Infernape, but in Sharpedo's role. Other Sharpedo replacements can be Scarf Terrakion or Scarfchomp; CB/BellyJet Azumarill.
b. Wall Breaker suggestions can be Choice Band Garchomp (mixed, with Flamethrower) or DD Salamence (also mixed, with Flamethrower)
This team is awesome! If this was pokemon trainer school I would give you an A+!

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