Pokémon Rate My Team
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After testing a Trick Room team in Showdown (successfully by the way) I decided to invade monotype. I rarely ever see normal monotype. It's a shame cause I'm horrible and this team still does well. Let's start this with my usual start.

Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Last Resort
- Fake Out

Most people expect this thing to start me off. Everyone sees Fake Out coming. What they don't expect is Last Resort. It ruined my chances in a battle against a Shedinja but it works incredibly well. If you don't resist normal types you're going down in two to three hits. It's the surprise that really makes this thing worth it. Next up.

Cinccino @ King's Rock
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Seed
- Rock Blast
- Tail Slap
- Knock Off

Pretty much another Ambipom. Once got outsped by a regular Gardevoir. I could only think of Scarfed Gardevoir. An odd item. Not many use it. It almost made me king of normal monotype though. It flinched my opponents final Pokemon Melloetta. It survived the next hit and . . . missed. I still berate myself over that. Tail Slap had 85 accuracy. Bullet Seed had 100. Either would have won me the battle. Guess which one I picked. Now we get to leave the sweepers.

enter image description here
Furfrou @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SDef / 4 HP
Careful Nature
- Return
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Bite

I don't see much of Furfrou which is a shame. This thing trolls all physical attackers without fighting type moves. I once got into a Recover vs. Rest situation with a Sableye. My opponent ended up forfeiting. It was hilarious. I usually dump wall ev's in hp but Fur Coat was just too tempting. Hopefully someone can make better use of this Pokémon. Pair it with Blissey maybe. Anyways next mon.

Bouffalant @ Power Herb
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Poison Jab
- Skull Bash
- Return
- Stone Edge

I never really did great with this Pokémon but it could just be me, and my set. Next Pokémon.

Exploud @ Assault Vest
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Boomburst
- Flamethrower
- Extrasensory
- Surf

I see a few people using this thing. They always do well with it. Surprise can be an important element. I'm not sure why I even bother with this things ability though. I never remember it. Shame. And finally the star of the team.

Porygon-Z @ Expert Belt
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Tri Attack
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

This Pokémon isn't surprising. But under my command it has WRECKED teams. The most memorable moment. I was against mono ground. I had three mon left. My opponent had four powerful mons. Out first was Garchomp. I sent my Porygon-Z expecting to never get off the Ice Beam. I live the megas hit. I take it down. Nidoking never even got a shot in. Gliscor foolishly used Knock Off. You know how those things take ice. Ground mono has a 70% health hippo left. Enemy forfeits. I went in expecting a loss. I got a glorious win. In another battle he took down two Pokémon in a row during a crucial time.

You can probably see problems with this team. It would be nice to fix them. Keep it to yourself if you have to. Normal mono just wants the popularity it deserves.

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Here's my suggestion:  Add dual type Pokémon like Sawsbuck, Braviary, Pyroar, or Heliolisk
Gonna rate this one later :)
keep something weak to grass than switch to bouffalant
well, the only normal-type pokemon weak to grass is diggersby.  also, I love that ambipom. used one in my noobier days and it worked really great
diggersby is good

1 Answer

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I absolutely love your Ambipom's concept; however, a Ghost lead screws you. Use it carefully, and it scores a win.


I like the chinchilla as an animal overall, and Cinccino is no exception; however, its role is so similar to Ambipom's that I'm gonna recommend changing it.

Try some dual-typed Pokémon. Dr Dude and gau22's Diggersby ideas that complete each other is very good because it will score +1 on Bouffalant if you predict well.

Diggersby @ Choice Scarf:
Trait: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Jolly Nature

  • U-Turn
  • Earthquake
  • Return
  • Spikes

I swear Scarfed Spikes work. You deposit layers on what cannot touch you, then you switch. Rest of attacks is abusing Huge Power.


I like the caniche as an animal in general, and Furfrou is no exception; however, I am going to suggest another "physical wall" with a second typing:
Enoch.EXE's recommended Staraptor to Mr Kijani in his own Mono-Normal. (I credit both "trainers" for the set)

Staraptor @ Leftovers:
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Brave Bird
  • FeatherDance
  • Substitute
  • Roose

Using Furfrou is not wrong, either, as you can opt for offensive Staraptor over something else. However, I prefer this set, because in the name of my brother, it works.


The core formed with Diggersby will want you to keep it. It moveset, however, seems random.
Let's fix that, you want?

Bouffalant @ Leftovers
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature

  • Substitute
  • Head Charge
  • Earthquake
  • Stone Edge / Swords Dance

As Bouffalant forces many switches, you have nice oppotunities to set up Substitute and Swords Dance, optionally. Stone Edge can give you EdgeQuake, on the other part, so chose carefully. And Power Herb Skull Bash is waste of time.


Actually, Scrappy means Boomburst still damages Ghosts, which is a nice plus.


Trying to bluff the choice item? I like that; however, you have more better choices.
Gonna recommend the ever-eternal Meloetta.

Meloetta-Pirouette @ Expert Belt:
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 72 Atk / 184 Speed
Naive Nature

  • Relic Song
  • Close Combat
  • Thunder
  • Ice Punch

Well, what Meloetta excels the most at is to create pressure on your opponent. Willing to eat an Ice Punch on your face, Landorus? And you, Tyranitar, would you like Close Combat on your figure? And Thunder is risky; however, 60 % chance to induce paralysis is worth it. And Relic Song is your toy allowing form changes from a bulky to a fast sweeper.

I hope this helps!

~ Sincerely yours, Blitz.

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D'awwwwwww you used our Staraptor <3 <3

Ambipom with two moves as a lead is a waste, idc what strategy, Throw a Choice Band on him with Return, U-Turn, Aerial Ace and something else, make use of that beautiful speed stat.

Ok, that aside you've ended up with a grand total of one main Special Attacker, and one part time. Might consider changing that, otherwise you'll get walled by Massive Special Walls.
I know what Scrappy does. I just forget that it exists in battle. As for Diggersby I never trust those things. Azumarill had some defense so I could surprise someone with it in water mono. Diggersby is both frail and pretty obvious. Though it most likely does have good use. I'm just not good with Choice items and never thought about bluffing one's use. Never thought about Staraptor though. I'll have to check that out. I'll have to check out Meloetta to. Though I might replace Relic Song with an attacking move to make better use of the Expert Belt.
I'm not always starting with Ambipom. My opponents seem to think so though. Poor bug mono ended up sending a Forretress against my Exploud that way.
You might replace Ambipom by Porygon-Z back for more Special Attackers, and if you don't trust the use of Diggersby is crucial with Bouffalant; otherwise, change both.
That wasn't Dr. Dude's idea, it was mine. Don't give wrong credits.

keep something weak to grass than switch to bouffalant
commented 2 days ago by gau222
gau, he suggested Diggersby. You suggested "something weak to grass". It is both's idea.
OK fine.