Okay, so I had a team - the 600 squad, which looked good in terms of power, but Sempiternus
pointed out it got completely obliterated by three common types: Fairy, Fighting and Ground. I also realised soon after I posted the question that the BST of a Terrakion isn't actually 600, which made me feel like a fool... but anyway! Here is the improved team that is hopefully a successor to the 600 squad (that now can't actually be called that since only one pokemon has a BST of 600) and has more balanced weaknesses and types. I'm FT, and this is the team:
At a glance or two

The Team
Terrakion (Sgt. DESTRUCTION)

Item: Choice Band
Ability: Justified
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
Okay, banded Terrakion: still not a pokemon to mess with. A banded Close Combat from this thing is enough to OHKO a Talonflame without Stealth Rocks, making it very powerful, and this replay will hopefully show you some power. (Skip to turn 18) Every move here is either great STAB or coverage, it's my physical sweeper, and that's all there is to say.

Latios (Speedy Mc.Groove)

Item: Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SP. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Draco Meteor
-Shadow Ball
On Latios, I decided that Draco Meteor is a better choice than Dragon Pulse because the opponent is probably going to switch into a Steel type anyway, meaning I will switch out and lose the SP. Atk drop too. Psyshock is there for special walls such as Goodra or Blissey, and now since I have a grass type on this team, I can get rid of Sleep Talk, and replace it for a much more reliable move: Thunderbolt, to cripple the Water and Flying types. This is obviously my special sweeper.

Thundurus (Lighght)

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SP. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Thunder Wave
-Volt Switch
-Flash Cannon
Ahhh, my nice lead, to paralyse or Taunt whatever comes out, because from what I've seenin OU, people tend to lead of with a fast U-turner (which I will paralyse), their Hazarder or a Sableye (both of which I will taunt). Flash Cannon is there to cover all of Thundurous's conveniently typed weaknesses, and I chose it over Focus Blast because it was more accurate, and because Flash Cannon gave that all important Fairy coverage. Volt Switch is to get out of there once all the work is done.

Rotom (Motor)

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 SP. Def / 252 HP / 4 SP. Atk
-Pain Split
-Volt Switch
-Hydro Pump
The washing machine. I was tempted to get rid of Will-O-wisp and replace it with Trick and give it a Choice Scarf to cripple pokemon such as Skarmory, but I already have and Band and a Specs, so it is what it is, with a focused special wall EV spread, to boost Defense with the Will-O-Wisp. Volt Switch is good trolling synergy with Thundurus, as that resists Rotom's one weakness and a Mold Breaker's Earthquake, and Rotom tanks Ice and hits Rocks. Pain Split is for added recovery on top of leftovers.

Gyarados (GOLLY GOSH)

Item: Gyaradosinite
Ability: Initimidate ---> Mold Breaker
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Dragon Dance
Another physical sweeper, that gives another nice immunity to Ground, which can flip to a Psychic immunity when GOLLY GOSH feels like it. (I love the name). It can Dragon Dance behind a Sub well, due to it's surprisingly large bulk; and after one D-Dance only, it becomes much much more powerful than my Terrakion. Gyarados takes less than 25% damage from a Shadow Sneak from Aegislash AND a Bullet Punch from Machamp put together, and they have some of the highest attck stats in the game. Waterfall is for STAB and Earthquake is great coverage that can hit Levitaters.

Ferrothorn (Swaggalicious)

Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Bards
Nature: Impish
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
-Stealth Rocks
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip
-Gyro Ball
The wall against Fairy types. Although Heatran can do it even better than Ferrothorn can, Heatran has a 4x Ground weakness, a type which could puncture a big hole in my team. Ferrothorn has a much better typing than Heatran, in which it can't fall asleep. Ferrothorns main weakness is also Fire, and if you look at the rest of the team, they can gobble up fire as if it were nothing. Once this pokemon has got up it's Stealth Rocks, and the other teams Defogger / Rapid Spinner has gone, there is no strong reason to keep it alive, so the Rocky Helmet was chosen over leftovers to do as much damage as possible to the opponents physical attacker, and because of that it can OHKO a Cloyster just by standing there.

Thanks for reading! If you can think of even the slightest way of improving my team, tell me as it will make this team that much better. If you think this team is so good, you can use it if you want. Thank you!