Pokémon Rate My Team
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So this is the first organized semi-competitive team I've come up with. I got some of the ideas from smogon, some from other places, and some on my own. I'd like advice on how I can improve this team to make it as competitive as possible. I mostly battle online wi-fi rather than anything else but I've put it all in pokemon showdown so it's better organized.

Mawile @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Iron Defense
- Baton Pass
- Stockpile
- Play Rough

My baton passer. She's good support and I've found she easily walls physical attackers, especially when they have neutral damage to my pokes. After I've iron defensed/stockpiled up, I can baton pass out to any of my other pokes, although this set was specifically developed to assist Mega gengar because of her lack of bulk.

Gengar-Mega @ Gengarite
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 Def / 152 SDef / 104 Spd
Bold Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Substitute
- Protect
- Perish Song
This is a bit of a gimmicky set, and I've found it doesn't work in any situation, but when I need it it definitely comes through. I've had trouble with slowbro in the past and this completely obliterates the tactics of almost any wall, under the condition that they don't have taunt or encore. Gengar's shadow tag ability prevents switch out, and then I use perish song and protect/substitute, and then switch out to something that will take the hit for Gengar, which shouldn't be particularly strong since most walls have poor attack.

Mandibuzz (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Big Pecks
EVs: 252Hp/252Def/4Spd
impish Nature
- Taunt
- Roost
- Toxic
- Foul Play
Your average wall, I've decided to use Mandibuzz as a defense sponge with taunt thrown on to make sure the opponent doesn't set up against me.

Azumarill @ Sea Incense
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Aqua Ring
- Aqua Jet
- Return
Bulky physical sweeper. I've had trouble with putting a dent in Azumarill, and I've been wanting to use one for myself for quite some time. I love Pokes who can take and dish out hits and Azurmarill is perfect for that. There's got to be a better item to put on this guy but I've already got leftovers and life orb used.

Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 248 Atk / 36 SAtk / 224 Spd
Lonely Nature
- Wild Charge
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
Speedy physical sweeper. Can't decide if I want to invest all EVs in Speed or the 224. Flamethrower's on there for coverage, I've had problems with steel types in the past, especially Scizor. Can't think of an item for this guy but I'm sure there's something that would be appropriate!

Kingdra @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 152 HP / 252 SAtk / 100 SDef / 4 Spd
- Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance
Swift swim special sweeper. I realize speed is important here, but after swift swim doubling speed to over 200, most things will not outrun Kingdra. Since his Sp. Attack gets modestly high I've decided to apply a life orb to this guy, although a focus sash was a close second considering all of the dragon and fairy types cluttering up wi-fi. However if I'm strategic about it, only a couple weaknesses isn't too bad considering all the types out there.

Okay guys, tell me what you think! The advice I've gotten from here in the past has been pretty helpful and I'm eager to hear what improvements could be made to the team.

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2 Answers

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Best answer

The Mawile set is....strange. You have two moves there for the sole purpose of gaining extra bulk, one of which is Redundant with the other (Both Iron defense and Stockpile increase Defense). To be frank, there are better baton passers, the answer above me mentioned Scolipede, who is definitely a good option for passing either bulk or attack (Has access to both Swords dance and Iron Defense). Another Baton pass possibility would be a Venomoth with Quiver Dance, increasing your Sp. Def (As well as Sp. Attack/Speed!)

This mega Gengar is a huge Gimmick. If you're okay with playing this style I obviously can't stop you, but few people really respect this form of play. The build itself is....odd. really you're putting two whole pokemon (Mawile is made the way it is to pass additional bulk to Gengar) into making this one strategy work which is a real waste. To be honest, you could easily use both pokemon still, but switch the mega stone. Mega Mawile is a serious threat that can destroy lives. It gets access to the almighty sucker punch, as well as Swords dance and Play rough. Gengar could be brought back to a regular Special Attacking Gengar with a Timid Nature/Life orb.

Mandibuzz is fantastic and I really need to breed one for myself.

Azumarill is a very awesome choice for an OU team. The set you have is ALMOST perfect. Aqua Ring, while attractive on paper, is a rather costly move to run. You spend an entire turn bringing the effect up, allowing your opponent to either Damage you or switch into something that can kill you with a super effective hit. My Suggested Set would be one of two: Choice Band or Belly Drum. Choice Band Runs Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Super Power/Play Rough. It Sacrifices Move switching for a (Very noticeable) attack boost. With this set, it is important that you pay attention to your opponents team and think of what they may want to switch in against you. Belly Drum is gone over in the other answer given.

For electivire, I 100% recommend a Jolly Nature. Keep the Motor Drive (You can switch him into any predicted electric attacks and possibly sweep the enemy team afterwards), but your Moveset is lacking. Sure it has nothing that resists it, but Check this out. Your Set: 203 Normal Effect, 571 Super. New Set: Wild Charge/Earthquake/Ice punch/Cross Chop : 1 No effect (Shedinja), 168 Normal Effect, 605 Super! Unless you really are scared of Shedinja, Cross Chop really is the way to go, allowing you to have even better coverage, while also being able to have a Jolly Nature and invest fully into your Attack and Speed Stats. For an item, I would recommend Either an Air Balloon (Switch in on Ground attacks and Kill with Ice punch! Haha!) or a Life orb (If you can get another one, doubles of items in Singles ARE allowed unless you're playing battle-spot).

EDIT: Electivire also has access to Fire punch, so if you're really set on running a Fire move over Cross Chop, I would recommend Fire Punch over Flamethrower. It uses your (Much higher) Physical Attack, while also allowing you to Invest more economically as I mentioned before.

I personally would probably use Dragon Pulse over Draco Meteor due to you not really having any /real/ walls to switch into after lowering your special attack. From my experience, Draco Meteor is usually run on the Focus Energy Kingdra Set, as it can ignore the special attack drops with its crits. What type of Hidden power are you running? I'm not really sure what type would benefit Kingdra (Fire maybe?), but Flash Cannon may be a viable choice for you to run instead, as it hits Fairies for x2 damage. I would also recommend switching your Ice beam out for a Water type move, Which you have quite a few options for: Scald, Surf, or Hydro Pump. Surf is Probably the best choice in terms of pure damage/Accuracy, Scald loses some power to give a burn chance, and Hydro pump goes full power while only having 80% accuracy. Choosing one of these would hit your Super effective numbers a bit, but also take down the number of pokemon that can force you to switch out due to you having nothing to super effectively hit them (Only 3 Not Very Effective with Water/Dragon/Steel). Also it gives you both your STABs, allowing you do deal out a good deal more damage overall.

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Thanks so much for your extremely helpful advice! I realize my setup is a bit gimmicky and I think I may switch it out for something else, but it was fun to play around with a bit.  
Your advice on the other pokes is perfect  and helpful, overall a great response thank you so much!
Also I've notably decided to completely remove the mawile and gengar from the team in place of a Murkrow and Scizor.
Murkrow is still a bit gimmicky but he's a classic gimmick staller using Prankster w/ roost/toxic/calm mind/taunt to his advantage.

Scizor runs bullet punch/x-scissor/swords dance/roost and is built for taking hits

And lastly I've replace Mandibuzz with slowbro with a classic wall set, not because I don't like Mandibuzz (I really wanted to use a Mandibuzz for sure and still will at some point) But the dark/flying type is already taken by Murkrow.

Debating on switching Murkrow for Sableye but Eviolite is a big advantage.
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Ok Mawile is ok, but have you considered speed boost Scolipede? It has a MUCH better base stat and speed boost really helps. True it does have more weaknesses, but a Weakness Policy can turn those weaknesses into an advantage on a baton passer!

Mega Gengar is nice, but it seams like you are trading it for another pokemon, meaning it's gonna faint and your gonna faint. Maybe try Mega Blaziken instaed? It has a higher base stat, speed boost (there it is again) and a nice movepool. I ev trained my blaziken 252 att/128 spd/128 sp att and I found it works well with this moveset, Protect (this is usually used first and gives you higher speed FOR SURE), Brave Bird, Hi Jump Kick and Flamethrower.

I really like the Mandibuzz, not many people like him as a taunter, but he is VERY efficient at taunting! No change needed here!

I have a high risk, high reward set for Azumarill. If you stay alive ONE TURN you can sweep the ENTIRE team! Your moveset is nice as a safer option, but I like risks:) My moveset is Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Play Rough and Waterfall. If you are going to do this moveset I recommend ev training it in Att 252/ spd 252/ 4 hp and have it holding sitrus berry instead of Mawile.

Electivire is Nice for coverage. I would recommend Vital Spirit as an ability instead of Motor Drive, but doesn't really matter. I really can't think of what to have it hold, maybe a Shuca Berry to help with ground? (it's only weakness)

I like Kingdra, I've been using a Kingdra for a few months now and I really like him! Only two things with him, one is maybe not all sp att evs? If you use Draco Meteor then he is in trouble as he has no att. The other thing is maybe you should consider a Roseli Berry to help with fairy. He has Ice Beam so Dragon isn't that much of a problem, but Fairy is still a BIG weakness.

Hope this Helps!

I'm leaving this answer because it actually improves the OP, but to note: Mega Blaziken is banned in OU, but I believe this team is not a PS team.
Mega Gengar is banned too.
Yea, he never said it was an ou team he just said a team.  Plus (as Le Scraf said) Mega Gengar is also banned.
Thanks for the advice! I've made several changes to the team since posting this (I'm always changing it up, I'm never satisfied! Hahah) But your advice is definitely taken into account.

Mega Blaziken is a great Pokemon  that I've been wanting to use in tandem with speed boost for a long time now.

Great set on Azumarill! Will have to rebreed for aqua jet and belly drum but it just might be worth it.