Pokémon Rate My Team
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Welcome To The Hoenn Triangle. This is divided in three parts, The Sky Zone, The Sea Zone, and The Land Zone.

The Sky Zone

RayRay (Rayquaza) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Mild Nature
- V-create
- Hyper Beam
- Draco Meteor
- Air Slash

The Sky Lord. V-Create is to take care of many other pokemon that are a threat to Rayquaza.
Hyper Beam deals alot of damage.
Draco Meteor is STAB and also powerful.
Air Slash is also STAB.

Baconstrip (Yveltal) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Roost
- Dark Pulse
- Sucker Punch

Mr. Death. Oblivion Wing is for healing reasons.
Roost is for if it doesn't do the trick.
Dark Pulse is STAB.
Sucker Punch is also STAB.

Moving on.

The Sea Zone

Alpha (Kyogre) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Water Spout
- Scald
- Thunder
- Ice Beam

Awww, Poor Sea Lord, all by himself. Maybe because his OPness with Scarves drew everybody away. Water Spout is STAB.
Scald is STAB and burns the target.
Thunder is for taking care of pokemon that Alpha can't handle.
Bye Bye Grass Types. I'm ice beaming you.

The Land Zone

Omega (Groudon) @ Earth Plate
Ability: Drought
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
- Fire Blast

Land Lord. Earthquake is STAB.
I think you know about Stealth Rocks.
Dragon Tail is for escaping hard enemies.
Fire Blast is for burning ice.

Xenodeer (Xerneas) @ Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 104 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 120 Spe
Timid Nature
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Thunder
- Focus Blast

Miss Life. Geomancy is what you think.
Moonblast is PEW PEW PEW on Dragons.
Thunder is ZAP ZAP Bye bye birds.
Focus Blast destroys Steel, the Bane of Fairy.

Lord Mewtwo (Mewtwo) @ Mewtwonite Y
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 8 SpD / 200 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Psystrike
- Blizzard
- Earthquake
- Aura Sphere

Emperor. Psystrike is STAB.
Blizzard kills little bugsies.
Earthquake is powerful.
Aura Sphere demolishes Dark Types.

This ends our tour. The Moveset and EVs for Xerneas was provided by Aeternis.
Mewtwo and Yveltal were provided by Semp (Pokemon only not the sets).
Team against Semp.

edited by
nice pictures
Clarified what I actually did for you, because I didn't, and probably never will, suggest those sets.
Nicknames don't do it. Include the real Pokemon's specie first.
Make Xerneas Modest over Timid
It will need the extra power.
Do not under any circumstance  run mixed Mmy. It's just plain bad. You should opt for a CM or Taunt set
Mewtwo @ Mewtwonite Y
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psystrike
- Calm Mind / Taunt
- Fire Blast / Focus Blast
- Focus Blast / Ice beam

Mixed Rayquaza is good, but the set you're running is a little sad. Unless you're in a 1 vs 1 metagame, you should never run Hyper Beam on a Pokemon. It's not even bad. It's more than bad. Horrible doesn't even cut it. Even Sunkern can't approve of it.
The flying type is an offensively great type. Whether majority of the tier is weak against it or not, since it will nuke everything that isn't a steel, electric or rock type, and even then it can break through certain things if the STAB move and the user of the move has divine offensive pressure, which Rayquaza has. But seriously, Air Slash won't be scratching any fly in Ubers, so just....no
If you however do wish to run Mixed Rayquaza, just use the standard set, which would be:
Rayquaza @ Life Orb
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- V-create
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Claw / Earthquake

You could run Earthquake to deal with Pokemon such as Dialga and Heatran, but Dragon Claw's power is much needed as a mixed Pokemon is meant to be able o deal with Pokemon of both defenses, and V-create can't do it alone, as it enables Pokemon such as Ho-oh to simply wall this set, and Ho-oh is one of those Pokemon you don't want to be walled by. Trust me.
You could also opt for a Naive nature if you want to attempt living priority, but it honestly really does not matter since Rayquaza will be equally useless after getting hit by powerful priorities and Ice shard is never seen in Ubers, so yeah

You don't exactly need a Double Scarf as it actually really want help this team much. Seeing as Ekiller Arceus basically just steamrolls your team, I would suggest running a physically defensive Yveltal set. The set will enable you to survive a +2 Jolly LO Extreme Speed at full health and kill it or at least make it as good as death fodder after one powerful STAB Dark Aura boosted Foul Play. You could also opt for a physically defensive support Groudon to soft-check Extreme Killer and run LO Yveltal, but I think that would be a little less effective in your case.

I didn't exactly help your team much, just optimized the spreads, main reason being, the sole way of saving this team from Eternal Damnation is by completely changing it, which would unfortunately break the rules of rmt, and tbh, even if I got your permission to do it, I still wouldn't because I don't see how that would better teambuilding skills. The whole Hoenn trio legend thing is cute and all, but really not as effective as people make themselves believe. Seeing as rn Geomancy Xerneas really just destroys everything on your team, as it can set-up on everything bar Kyogre and KO everything else in return. Saddest bit would be that every variant of geoxern, whether it being Mixed Geoxern, Aromatherapy Geoxern or Substitute Geoxern will destroy your team with just Moonblast, thus not even needing coverage. In fact, every variant of Xerneas can be a great threat to your team, making me suggest that while revising your team, which is something I would recommend if you do want to better it, you should consider dumping one or 2 of the Hoenn legends, ro anything else on your team for that matter, and try fitting in a decent Xerneas check or counter such as Mega Mawile, Aegislash, Scizor / Scizor Mega, Arceus-Fire and all those good stuff, as checking Xerneas is the first step at surviving in a metagame / banlist, call it whatever you want, such as Ubers.

Might be a little blunt, but always remember, I do it #BecauseIcare o3o!
The pictures weren't working so I removed them. Either use pictures from actual sites like deviantart, imgur etc or just use the view image button from google images. Or use our sprites gallery.
RayRay...The Victini? Are you high?
Aeternis's comment seems long enough to be an answer.

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