Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey guys,

First off - I am not wanting to get this team to any competitive WiFi battle in the near future. I am just spending some spare time on the Battle Subway just because I like it. Ofcourse, I want my team to be as good as possible. I am currently playing White and don't have access to higher Gens. This is what I currently have (or better said, training to get);

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Rash Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Sludge Bomb / Sludge Wave

Not sure to use Focus Sash here since Gengar outspeeds nearly everything.

Haxorus @ Persim Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Naughty Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Brick Break

Just the standard Outraging Haxorus, it works quite well in normal singles.

Ferrothron @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: ???
Relaxed Nature
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Toxic
- Protect

This is usually my last hope. Toxic the opponent asap and then spam Protect/Gyro Ball.

I am open to any suggestions. I have access to Ruby, Diamond and White.

edited by
It seems good.

1 Answer

–1 vote

I happen to see you have 2 sweepers and 1 staller. I may have not played for 2 years, but I still remember alot of things about pokemon. So you're using it ingame. You're using Gengar as a sweeper. Focus Blast is powerful, and might be useful sometime, But it has bad accuracy. I guess you should use Brick Break. It might be not as powerful as that but at least it can break screens and also is more accurate than Focus Blast, but it's your choice. The focus sash is useful, and you're right. It is very fast, but you can use it if the foe will K.O Gengar in one hit. I think you're better off with a Sitrus Berry or some Leftovers. And don't change Sludge Bomb with Sludge Wave. Sludge Bomb is better with poisoning but Sludge Wave may be stronger, but only a little. You better stick with Sludge Bomb. Or you can also change Thunderbolt with Protect or Will-O-Wisp. Your choice.

Haxorus is perfect for this job. Nice moveset, perfect item for Outrage, great EVs, and most of all, nice pokemon. You'll be okay with this guy.

For Ferrothorn, he's good too, you just don't have EVs. I recommend your EVs to be like this: 252 HP/ 42 Def/ 172 Atk/ 42 SpD/. He's too slow already, and it's okay for it to be like that. Relaxed is good, +Def -Spe, and helps whenever a good Physical Sweeper is your foe. So basically, this is how it'll look like:

Gengar @Leftovers/Sitrus Berry/ Focus Sash
Trait: Levitate
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Rash Nature
- Thunderbolt/Will-O-Wisp/Protect
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast/Brick Break
- Sludge Bomb

Haxorus @Persim Berry
Trait: Mold Breaker
252 Att/252 Spe/4 HP
Naughty Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Brick Break

Ferrothron @Rocky Helmet
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Atk / 42 Def / 42 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Toxic
- Protect

Overall, you have a good team.There. That's what I suggest. I hope this helps!

Brick break would be horrible on gengar, it has a really low base attack.
The natures are in a turmoil.
Timid/Modest > Rash
Adamant > Naughty
Focus Blast >> Brick Break
Superpower > Brick Break (on Haxorus)
Lum Berry > Persim Berry

Otherwise a fairly good team.
I have a few comments on your answer;
- Brick Break does not seem to suit Gengar. It will never take out those who actually oppose to Gengar, which is why Focus Miss is there in the first place. I'd rather take the 70% chance to OHKO my opponent than taking 100% to damage it (which will not be much either).
- I have barely made use of a Sludge Bomb actually poisoning the opponent. Since Gengar is a sweeper, it should OHKO/2HKO his opponents, in which Sludge Wave becomes better. If I want the opponent to be poisoned, I'd switch in Ferrothorn and use Toxic.
- Is using Leftovers/Sitrus Berry worth using on Gengar? If he's hit, he's dead most of the time. I'd like to hear more opinions about this.

Thanks for the EV's for Ferrothorn! They seem nice. I will use them.

@Fated Fathom Superpower is only available in Pt/HGSS/B2W2, which I unfortunately don't have :( You are totally right about the natures. Also, Lum Berry indeed looks better. Thanks!
Leftovers is not a good choice on Gengar at all really, but Black Sludge is (mostly because of Trick). They use this for the famous SubDisable sets (Substitute + Disable, which is a very viable tactic), just to gain the chip HP lost from Substitute. On offensive variants, Life Orb and Focus Sash are better options.

Also, try managing 0 speed IVs on Ferrothorn just for the sake of Gyro Ball, and another option on it would be Leech Seed, which works well with Toxic and Iron Barbs / Rocky Helmet for big chip damage.
Looking at your team, the Pokemon choices are great. But the moves and Natures can be improved.


Everything except nature is perfect on your Gengar. The Nature should be Timis with Black Sludge or Focus Sash.


The Nature should be Jolly or Adamant. Give it a Lum Berry in case of a Burn or Paralasis.


The EVs should be 252 HP/252 Def/ 4 Atk. You might want to consider Leftovers. Otherwise, you're good!!!
Thanks for your answer! I will try to breed a better nature on Geng and Hax. Thanks for the EV's on Ferro too! However, you say "But the moves and Natures can be improved", but you didn't gave any other movesets... typo maybe?
[Dark Star], your answer seems short enough to be a comment instead.