Honey, I'm home c;!
Yup, Io is back and ready to get rekt...again. I had played no ORAS games before making this team, so I'm probably really weak to something common, and I don't even care <3. Currently 24-4 with this team, which kinda sucks, so yah.
The team at a glance:
![enter image description here][1]![enter image description here][2]![enter image description here][3]![enter image description here][4]![enter image description here][5] ![enter image description here][6]
The team:
FunnyBunny - Lopunny@Lopunnite
![enter image description here][7]
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
Happiness: 0
- High Jump Kick
- Frustration
- Ice Punch
- Healing Wish
I love this Mega. Very very fast, decent power and an extremely powerful STAB move that is able to hit everything thanks to Scrappy. Frustration is backup STAB, and more reliable so I don't have a 10% chance of taking 50% damage. Ice Punch hurts the ever-present Lando-T's, as well as stuff like Garchomp and Dnite. The last slot was a tossup between Fake Out and Healing Wish. After testing both out, I decided that Healing Wish worked better on this team, giving Greninja or Talonflame the ability to exploit the holes that the unresisted coverage of Lopunny makes.
Souls? Gimme. - Greninja@Life Orb
![enter image description here][8]
Ability: Protean
EVs: 40 Atk / 212 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Low Kick
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
Yup, I'm abusing the Smogon Frog, ORAS's answer to XY Talonflame, in that if you aren't prepared, you die. Standard ORAS EV's, 40 Atk guaranteeing the OHKO with Gunk Shot vs Azumarill and doing serious damage to Clefable. Low Kick destroys Ttar, and seriously hurts Ferro, Empoleon and Heatran. Other stuff is standard coverage to do maximum damage to the maximum amount of things c;
Talon-Lame - Talonflame@Sharp Beak
![enter image description here][9]
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Roost
Standard SD Talon, as far as I'm aware. Both Lopunny and Greninja can deal with Ttar/Heatran and Rotom can be finished by a combination of the two. This allows talon to basically kill everything. Conversely, Talon can be used to punch holes and get rid of check to the other two. Basically, the 3 offensive mons are interchangeable between making holes and sweeping, depends on the team I'm against.
Scrotom-Scrub - Rotom-Wash@Leftovers
![enter image description here][10]
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Pain Split
- Hydro Pump
Standard shizzle, takes on Talon and Mega Pinsir, is a good physical wall, Volt Switches for momentum, spreads burn recovers with Pain Split. Boring, move on.
Leo - Landorus-Therian@Leftovers
![enter image description here][11]
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- U-Turn
Full HP investment and 240 EVs in Defense are crucial for Landorus-T
to handle the likes of Talonflame and Excadrill. 8 Speed
EVs are enough to outspeed Modest Magnezone while still having a slow
U-turn to take a hit and pivot out to another teammate. 8 Special
Defense EVs are run to prevent Mega Manectric from OHKOing with Hidden
Power Ice. ~Smogon XY Dex
Rocks for dayz. EQ is standard STAB, Knock Off had proven incredibly helpful in getting rid of opposing Lando's Choice Scarf's, U-Turn for all teh momentum.
TapDatAss - Latias@Life Orb
![enter image description here][12]
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Roost
Offensive hazard removal 101: The Lati twins. Latias was chosen for more bulk, so Keldeo can't just rip through the team. Other than that, standard. HP EVs allow me to hit a Life Orb number, so take less damage, and increase bulk overall.
Final Word:
Greninja is a threat to this team. Dammit.
[1]: https://forum.pokebattle.com/uploads/default/3238/085822ced76d9b8c.gif
[2]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/greninja.gif
[3]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/talonflame.gif
[4]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/rotom-wash.gif
[5]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/landorus-therian.gif
[6]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/latias.gif
[7]: https://forum.pokebattle.com/uploads/default/3238/085822ced76d9b8c.gif
[8]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/greninja.gif
[9]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/talonflame.gif
[10]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/rotom-wash.gif
[11]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/landorus-therian.gif
[12]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/latias.gif