Pokémon Rate My Team
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What better way to use Mega Swampert than in a Rain Team? I gave it some thought, and I think that rain teams can still be viable in OU - just. So here it is, if there are any suggestions or criticisms that you can create for the team, then they would be nice. First up, Swampert himself.

Swampert @ Swampertite

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Ability: Damp > Swift Swim
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spd
-Ice Punch
-Stone Edge / Power-Up Punch

When a Pokemon has an ability like Swift Swim, having an excess of Speed EVs is simply unnecessary, and so I have put EVs on Swampert's Speed so it can just out-speed it's fastest rival - Mega Sceptile - and hit it with an Ice Punch. The rest of the EVs I put in HP to bulk up in an effort to tank more of the Opponent's hits. Ice Punch is a great coverage move, which can hit Grass and Dragon types hard. Stone Edge is a powerful move, however Power-Up Punch is more accurate and could be used to set up a sweep against the Opponent's team. Which one should I use?

Politoed @ Choice Scarf

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Ability: Drizzle
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 S Atk / 36 S Def / 220 Spd
-Focus Blast
-Ice Beam

Where would any Rain Team be without Politoed? Again, Speed EVs. This can just out-speed a Noivern because it is scarfed. On the whole though it is a standard scarf set for Politoed. However, I am torn over whether I should make this into a bulky Politoad set, because only two Pokemon on the team can make it rain, so I need to preserve them as much as possible. On the other hand, the other special attackers are Goodra and Noivern, but Goodra is more of a Special Wall, Noivern is frail, and they are both weak to fairy! Help!

Scizor @ Leftovers

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Abiliity: Technician
Nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
-Bullet Punch
-Pursuit / U-Turn

The Defogger. Not entirely needed, looking at my team, but it also acts well as a physical wall and a wall to Grass and Fairy types. The extra bonus of using Scizor in a rain team is that it's only weakness, fire, is weakened due to the rain. Because of Roost, and additional leftovers recovery to boot, it makes it a very reliable Pokemon. However, the final move-slot is a problem. Do I have Pursuit to knock out Pokemon that will switch out on Scizor, like Psychic type, or do I have U-Turn, to get a free switch into the next Pokemonas because Scizor will probably go second as it is slow?

Klefki @ Damp Rock

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Ability: Prankster
Nature: Impish
EVs 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 S Def
-Rain Dance
-Thunder Wave
-Foul Play

A nice lead, get off a Rain Dance or a layer of Spikes with a +1 Priority, or a Thunder Wave if the Opponent is asking for it. Another physical wall, and helps deals with the other team members' weaknesses, as this is weak to Earthquake type, hence the Defence EVs, and weak to fire... not a problem. Foul Play is to stop becoming taunt fodder, however with the Prankster ability, I am almost guaranteed at-least one turn of Status. Damp Rock is to lengthen the duration of the rain, but it means no Leftovers, so this Pokemon has no ways to recover HP.

Noivern @ Choice Specs

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Ability: Infiltrator
Nature: Timid
EVs: 104 HP / 252 S Atk / 152 Spd
-Dark Pulse
-Focus Blast / Flamethrower
-Draco Meteor

A nice Earthquake immunity, an ability to hit through subs, and a deep move-pool is what drew me to Noivern. It is fast enough to just out-speed a Latios or Latias, and has the rest of the leftover EVs in HP to try and make it more bulky. Choice Specs was pretty much needed for it, as it doesn't have much Special Attack on it's own. All the moves are either STAB or great coverage with Dark Pulse over Shadow Ball for the flinch hax. Focus Blast is an option, but it is unreliable and Politoed already has it, whereas Flamethrower is a much better move in every way, except it would only work if the rain was down. Then again, this Pokemon doesn't fall apart when it's not raining, but which move should I use.

Goodra @ Leftovers

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Ability: Hydration
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 4 S Atk / 252 S Def

My MASSIVE Special Wall. Goodra sure knows how to tank a hit, and since this is a rain team, it can abuse rest + hydration too. This is very stally Pokemon, with Thunder only because it goes great in a rain team. Toxic and Infestation is a great chipping technique, and Goodra can just sit the while it happens, or switch out. As I am writing this, I am half tempted to replace the leftovers item (for additional recovery) for a Damp Rock and replace Thunder for Rain Dance, to get another Rain Dancer on the team, and so the rain doesn't run out too soon as this is a stally Pokemon, so the turns will fly by and the rain will stop.

Thanks for taking your time to read through this!


IMO, Damp Rock -> Choice Scarf on Politoed(boosts rain from 5 turns to 8 turns) and Rain Dance -> Infestation, Leftovers -> Something else on Goodra(a battle will take longer than 8 turns and you already have enough recovery in Hydration Rest)
agree with dark star greninja

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