Pokémon Rate My Team
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Lioone@Sitrus Berry
Abillity:Guttony (for competitive)/Pickup (for in-game)
252 Sp./252 Atk.
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Headbutt/Slash
- Double Edge
- Belly Brum

Delicatty@Silk Scarf
Ability:Cute Charm
No decided EV's just yet
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Fake Out
- Zen Headbutt
- Play Rough

Lopunny@Lopunnite (or whatever the name is)
Ability:Cute Charm > Scrappy
252 Sp./252 Attack
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Hi Jump Kick
- Dizzy Punch
- Focus Punch

Pyroar (M)@Leftovers
252 Sp. Atk/252 Sp./4 Def.
Timid Nature
- Solar Beam
- Flamethower
- Dark Pulse
- Hyper Voice

Ability:Serene Grace
252 Sp. Atk/252 Sp. Def./4 HP
Modest Nature
- Echoed Voice
- Psychic
- Relic Song
- Wake-Up Slap
Porygon-Z@Choice Specs
252 Sp. Attack/252 Def.
Modest Nature
- Tri-Attack
- Hyper Beam
- Psychic
- Charge Beam

very good team. headbutt would be better for a linoone.  you can get that flinch if lucky.  it would be slightly better with a adamant nature if your not so worried about the defense of it.
Get extreemespeed for linoone.

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Linoone needs extreme speed

I really don't suggest delcatty. It's horrible. But if you want to use it, first give it life orb. It need that attack boost. And replace play rough with sucker punch .

Lopunny does not need 3 STAB moves. Replace dizzy punch and focus punch with fake out and Mach punch.

Pyroar is fine except solar beam is kinda pointless in less you get the sun up. Otherwise using a 2 turn move is dangerous. so either replace dark pulse with sunny day, or replace solar beam. I suggest the latter because sun doesn't help any other pokemon on your team.

Either use physical meloetta with relic song or jsut use a special one, do t use both. For special try giving it Assualt vest and use hyper voice, psychic, and 2 other special coverage moves. For physical use relic song drain punch and 2 other moves. (Idk this pokemons moveset.

Porygon is really kinda messed up. Specs and adaptability are fine but the rest is weird. Your Evs jsut need to be 252 special attack and 252 speed. Use tri attack, dark pulse, thunderbolt, psychic. If you really want to use hyper beam to deliver one big blow, (It's not advised but personally I love it) then go on ahead. But remember ONLY usemit when you know you are about to die

Well that's about it. Except there are some better mons you could use, like diggersby and heliolisk. Hope I helped!

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Drain Punch/ High-Jump Kick is better than Focus Punch for Lopunny.
Not to mention Mega Lopunny doesn't get Mach Punch.
I've never seen a lopunny and don't know its move pool. So yea