Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

It's been a while since I actually posted a team here, and since I saw an influx of Monotype teams, I figured "Why not?". This team is something I have made that has transitioned many times over to fit the changing Metagame the best. Before you begin to wonder, no, this is not an awful beginner's Mega Manectric Mono paired with Eelektross and Electivire, this actually utilizes Pokemon that aid the type, not hinder it by using Pokemon that don't work well to make the team actually win. Since this does not feature Mega Manectric, there can only be one other Mega that can be showcased here, and is by a long shot, the superior Mega for Mono Electric, Mega Ampharos aka Fabio. You'll start to see a certain trend with this team, let's see if you get it. Onward to the team:

Raikou @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Discharge
- Extrasensory

Raikou, oh how I needed this Poke in this team. With this Pokemon, you can now destroy Mega Venusaur Grass Monos, which otherwise slaughter the type quite easily. After one Calm Mind, it's bye bye Mono Grass. This Pokemon also helps in beating Mega Sableye, the most cancerous of Megas in the tier. Other than that, its amazing speed tier really helps in getting easy switch ins and damage while abusing that to get the Sub up. Despite other Monos using AVest or Specs(Lol) on Raikou, this really gets the best use out of this Pokemon in this type.

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 216 SpD / 44 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Rotom-Wash, the Specially Defensive Wall, and the prime Ground killer+status inflictor. This Pokemon is pretty typical, having the EVs to actually outspeed Balloon Heatran that run all over Mono Steel. Not much to really say, it just forms the "Defensive Core" with Zapdos. Pain Split over Chesto Rest because that set is quite unreliable with everyone and their mother running Knock Off in almost every type.

Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
- Discharge
- Flash Cannon

Here's where things start to get interesting. This set may look like utter garbage, and it very well is in regular tiers, but this is the standard in Monotype. Scarf Magnezone acts as the most helpful Pokemon in the whole team. With that Steel typing, Sturdy, and Choice Scarf, it aids in beating things it cannot normally handle, such as Charizard Mega Y, Mega Diancie+Mega Gardevoir, and allowing it to pivot and/or KO things suck as Heatran, Landorus-T, Latios, etc. The list goes on. With Sturdy being the superior ability in Monotype, it really becomes helpful when you need to sack something wihtout sacrificing somehing useful. Why use HP Ice over Fire you may ask? Well, in Mono Electric, Steel types do not threaten this type more than Dragon types do, and Fire coverage is not needed if STAB can do almost the same damage either way. This Pokemon and the one below make the Type, no questions asked.

Ampharos-Mega @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static
EVs: 248 HP / 232 Def / 24 SpA / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Dragon Pulse
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

This Pokemon. This and Magnezone are the type itself. Without those two Pokemon, you cannot get high up at all in the Ladder with this type. As mentioned, Mega Manectric is the worse Mega, making your type get stats that are not needed, making your entire team get swept by Mono Fire, Mono Grass, Defensive Mono Water carrying Lanturn, and some other niches in Mono Dark and Mono Psychic. With Mega Ampharos, you handle the flaws that Mega Manectric brings, and you look amazing doing it. Using the now famous Physically Defensive ResTalk set. this set really does work wonders on the types mentioned, even making Defensive Water Monos lose their Lanturn and utterly lose. With that slow Volt Switch initiative, such possibilities can present itself to help you KO Pokes that can otherwise sweep you if you stayed in. It's funny when you use Rest on an opponent who's expecting Agility, as they'll forfeit seconds after :)

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 76 SpA / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- Heat Wave
- Discharge

Zapdos, the Physcially Defensive Wall, and using the luckiest Pokemon in my team. From Heat Wave burns, to Discharge paras, to Pressure stalling, this Pokemon is excellent in this type. With Defog support, and the most reliable Pokemon to beat Excadrill in Mono Steel/Ground, this Pokemon is a necessity in this type. Although niches Zapdos run include Toxic for Porygon2 and other walls, to HP Ice for the surprise KO on Landorus-T and Gliscor, this Zapdos does not need to run such surprises. This is not a lure, nore a sweeper, but a wall for specific things, and my only reliable means of hazard removal. Easily one of the more helpful Mons in the type.

Thundurus @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 68 Atk / 188 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge
- Knock Off
- Superpower

And last but DEFINITELY not least, is the potentially most fun Pokemon in the team. As Mono Normal plagues Mono Electric, as does Mono Dark, this Pokemon deals with such issues a good 70% of the time. No one really expects the combination of Mixed support and Thunder Wave, so it catches people off guard easily. Superpower OHKOs Tyranitar, Heatran on the switch, Excadrill, the Pink annoying Eviolite Walls after they've been Knocked Off(Porygon2 might need more damage though) and other things I cannot remember. The best thing about Thundurus is that Thunder Wave, which helps this Mono Electric deal with Mono Dragon, a counter type to Mono Electric. If you can't Para them, kill them with Magnezone's HP Ice.

Overall, this Team has made Mono Electric one of my favorite types to use against others in the tier. As for successes, this team got me to #5 on the EoS ladder, and #43 on the Main Ladder. The successes of this team has shown so much, it beat one of the top players and their Mono Steel team (Replay to be posted later), and I received Voice on the X League room(One of the most know leagues in Pokemon Showdown). Definitely something notable to mention. Use this team well, don't desecrate it by losing on the Ladder by doing common mistakes with it. Comments, praise, hatred, and all that are welcome~

Do you naturally lose to Mono Dark with Weavile? Weavile can easily neuter Rotom-W and Magnezone (Knock Off), meaning it can come back in later without fearing much from them. In other aspects of your team, Icicle Crash paired with Weavile's great speed stat can just cause straight up OHKO's or even flinches if you're unlucky.

Once again, Weavile looks like a problem (if the opponent runs Adamant, then Raikou can be your check to it), but I'm not sure if the mon is popular in this format, or if you have calcs as a last ditch effort to kill it. It seems especially dofficult to kill with Electric's lack of SR.
Actually Weavile's not the threat in Mono Dark, but Hoopa-U(Gets a guaranteed KO after it switches in on T-tar's KO from Thundurus)and Sableye that successfully sets up and has Snarl. Since Weavile isn't really that common in the type, I don't fear it as much at all, but it could sweep me easily if it was there. Too bad everyone and their mother is spamming 1 of two Mono Dark teams, both of which lack Weavile.
You desperately need a Physical attacker. If you came across a Chansey, you are probably going to get stalled.

Good suggestions:

Electivire @ Choice Scarf
- Wild Charge
- Cross Chop
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake

Eelektross @ Lefties
- Coil
- Wild Charge
- Drain Punch
- Aqua Tail
Why are you running Discharge on everything? Sure the paralyzation chance is good, but ThunderBolt would hit a lot harder on things like your Raikou and Magnezone.
Why do people run Scald over Surf? Utility. There's your answer.

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