Hi! This is a pretty standard-looking stall team. The biggest problem I notice with this team is that it has very little to handle physically attacking fire type pokemon such as Mega Charizard X and Talonflame, who can easily overpower the whole team. The team also doesn't have a counter to Specs Keldeo which is a huge problem because if Specs Keldeo comes in, it can guarantee a 2HKO or an OHKO on something if the player predicts properly.
To alleviate the fire type problem, I suggest replacing Clefable with Quagsire. Quagsire works as a blanket check to many physical attackers just like Unaware Clefable does and beats Talonflame and Mega Charizard X at the same time, while still providing you with a way to stop set-up sweepers.

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Earthquake
- Toxic
Next, in order to take on Specs Keldeo, I suggest to replace Ferrothorn with Amoonguss. Amoonguss keeps the water resist for the team, while being able to switch into any of Keldeo's moves. I opted for Amoonguss here over Tangrowth because many players have been running Focus Blast on Specs Keldeo in order to hit some of Keldeo's checks hard including Tangrowth, whose AV set gets 2HKOed by it.

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog
- Hidden Power Fire
Onto the moveset changes, since removing Ferrothorn got rid of the Stealth Rocker and added a second Toxic user, Toxic should be replaced with Stealth Rock on Chansey. Finally, Brave Bird should be replaced with Iron Head on Skarmory in order to hit Fairy types like Mega Diancie super effectively, and it should use Leftovers over Rocky Helmet to gain passive recovery since stall teams by nature will be racking up plenty of chip damage to the point where Rocky Helmet isn't necessary.
This did make the team incredibly cookie-cutter and I'm sure that there's an exact copy of this team out there somewhere, but that's just the nature of stall in ORAS. There isn't a lot of room for variety in stall teams right now, so I hope you don't mind that there's a good chance that it'll look very similar to some of the other stall teams being used. I hope this helps you break past the 1400s!
Summary of Changes
Iron Head > Brave Bird; Leftovers > Rocky Helmet