Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've made a UU team but I'm looking for a replacement for one maybe two of my pokemon.

This is my current team:

Ability: Infiltrator
Item: Choice Band
Moves: Brave Bird, Cross Poison, X-Scissor, U-turn
Nature: Adamant (+atk -sp.atk)
EVs: 4 hp, 252+attack, 252 spd
Description: Crobat is my lead pokemon, It either uses a supper effective attack to one or two hit ko an opponent or U-turns out against it's opponent on the first turn so I can get some damage and have a good match up. after that, I send it out to beat a fast opponent of one it has an advantage against. Brave Bird and Cross Poison and for stab and X-Scissor is to cover it's psychic weakness.

Ability: Hyper Cutter
Item: Eviolite
Moves: Earthquake, Knock Off, Defog, Roost
Nature: Impish (+def -sp.atk)
EVs: 252 hp, 4 atk, 252 def
Description: It's my anti hazard and physical wall. Earthquake is a good stab attack. Knock Off is there because it's convenient when fighting. Defog is to remove the occasional stealth rocks or spikes. Roost is for if I need it.

Ability: Natural Cure
Item: Life Orb
Moves: Seed Flare, Psychic, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam
Nature: Timid (+spd -atk)
EVs: hp 4, sp.atk 252, spd 252
Description: This is a fast sp sweeper. Seed Flare is it's stab. Psychic covers it's poison weakness. Earth Power covers it's fire weakness and steel resistance. Dazzling Gleam beats dragon types that might have fire attacks for ice types.

Ability: Intimidate
Item: Life Orb
Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Wild Charge, Extreme Speed
Nature: Adamant (+atk -sp.atk)
EVs: hp 4, atk 252, spd 252
Description: This is my Physical sweeper. Flare Blitz is stab. Close Combat is to cover rock types. Wild Charge is to cover water types. Extreme Speed is for finishing off faster opponents.

Ability: Torrent (Mega Launcher after mega evolving)
Item: Blastoisinite
Moves: Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, Ice Beam
Nature: Modest (+sp.atk -atk)
EVs: 4 hp, 252 sp.atk, 252 spd
Description: Its a sp sweeper. I have max speed instead of max hp because it's surprisingly useful with more speed. This is one of the pokemon I'm considering replacing. It's good, but I think a M-sharpedo could do it's job better. I have Water Pulse over surf because mega launcher gives it 90 power and it can confuse. Ice Beam is coverage. Dark Pulse and Aura Sphere are there because they get a mega launcher boost and can be useful.

Ability: Synchronize
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Foul Play, Toxic, Wish, Protect
Nature: Calm (+sp.def -atk)
EVs: 252 hp, 252 sp.def, 4
Description: This is the main reason I'm posting this, this is the pokemon I want to replace. It is a toxic stall and support pokemon. Wish is to heal my it and it's team mates. Protect is to help it stall. and Foul Play gives it something to do when it is not wishing or protecting. I don't like using a toxic stall pokemon, it's boring and feels cheap. The biggest reason I kept it on my team was to heal my other pokemon with wish.

This team is good, it can beat most pokemon. It, however, has a lot of trouble M Beedrill. Beedrill can out speed Blastoise and beat it in a few hits and switching to 252 hp instead of 252 speed doesn't help. It can out speed and beat Shaymin in one hit with with it's stabs. It can out speed Arcanine and two hit ok it with drill run and Arkanine can't kill it with a flare blitz and extreme speed. Beedrill can't touch Gligar and Gligar has neutral eq to beat it if it is the last pokemon remaining and can't switch out, but it's usually dead by then. Crobat could beat it, but it usually doesn't survive into the late game and the recoil from previous brave birds and beedrill's superior speed will usually beat it down before Crobat can make an attack. Umbreon is useless in this situation because Beedrill is immune to toxic and can out speed and kill umbreon with an x-scissor or u-turn. M-Sceptile is also trouble, but it is not as bad as Beedrill. The problems are similar, with it out speeding my sweepers and doing a lot of damage, but Arcanine, Shaymin, and Crobat can take it down.

Please give suggestions for pokemon to replace umbreon. Preferably something to take down beedrill but also be good when fighting teams that don't have it.

Replace Gligar, Shaymin, Arcanine, and Umbreon with Gliscor for better stats, Celebi for nasty plot, Infernape for better speed and coverage moves, and Mandibuzz for better stats and typing. Blastoise won't outspeed much even with max speed, so give it 252 HP/252 SpA/4 SpD modest. Replace water pulse with scald for the possible burn. Replace Crobat's x-scissor with leech life so it can heal itself.

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