Pokémon Rate My Team
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Betty (Female Eelectross) @Leftovers
-Volt Switch
-Giga Drain
-Flame Thrower
-Knock Off
Max Sp. Attack
second priority is HP

Papercut (Kartana) @Fightium
Ability: Beast Boost (Attack)
-Leaf Blade
-Sacred Sword
-Swords Dance
-Psycho Cut
Max Attack
second priority is Speed

Crest (Male Bisharp) @Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
-Iron Head
-Sword Dance
-Stealth Rock
-Night Slash
Max Attack
second priority is Deffence

Polaris (Female Lapras) @Choice Specs
Ability: Water Absorb
-Freeze Dry
-Hydro Pump
-Hidden Power (Ground)
Max HP
second priority is Sp. Deffence

Terra-saur (Male Aerodactyl) @Aerodactylite
-Stone Edge
-Ice Fang
-Aerial Ace
Max Speed
second priority is Attack

VeriZon (Male Serperior) @Life Orb
-Leaf Storm
-Leech Seed
Max Sp. Deffence
second priority is Sp. Attack

Note: you may suggest anything as I am new and would love to improve and if you tell me a Pokemon is bad then tell me what I could replace it with and why with what moves distributions natures abilities and items

I agree with sumwun, but a more specific thing I would add is to change out bisharp's knock off for a night slash, and considering the fact that you will probably be in a bad matchup afterwards, I would switch out either knock off or swords dance for sucker punch. As for aerodactyl, I would either add in roost to that set, or get yourself a spinner/defogger, because he will be taking a lot of damage from rocks, thanks to his ability to revenge kill. I might throw an assault vest on electross, as you don't have much bulk throughout your team, besides serperior. I would then change up serperior's evs to be more defensive, with max health, max defense, then the remaining evs would go into SpA.
Bisharp needs both knock off and swords dance. Sucker punch should replace stealth rock on that set.

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