Pokémon Rate My Team
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So a standard 6v6 team for competetive battlig, and for online battles vs my friends. I'm not changing any of the Pokemon, but movesets, items, abilities, evs etc can all be edited. Thanks!

Krookodile @Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Evs: 252Atk 200Spe 58SpDef
Nature: Jolly
Stealth Rock
Fire Fang

Crobat @Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
Evs: 252SpA 252Spe 4SpDef
Nature: Modest
Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain
Shadow Ball

Goodra @Leftovers
Ability: Gooey
Evs: 252SpA 160Spe 98Def
Nature: Timid
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb
Ice Beam
Muddy Water

Ninetales-Alola @Light Clay
Ability: Snow Warning
Evs: 252SpA 252Spe 4Def
Nature: Modest
Ice Beam
Nasty Plot
Aurora Veil

Lucario @Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus---->Adaptability
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4HP
Nature: Adamant
High Jump Kick
Meteor Mash
Ice Punch

Feraligatr @Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4SpDef
Nature: Jolly
Dragon Dance
Ice Punch

Replace Krookodile's stealth rock, crunch, and fire fang with pursuit to reliably hit dark-weak Pokemon, knock off for (usually) more power and removing items, and stone edge to cover ice, flying, and bug. Give Crobat a flyinium Z to break certain walls and infiltrator to damage substitute users more. Replace its giga drain and shadow ball with air slash for STAB and defog to remove hazards. Give Goodra sap sipper to switch into grass attacks better. Replace its dragon pulse, sludge bomb, and muddy water with draco meteor for more power, thunderbolt to cover water, and fire blast to cover ice and steel. Give Ninetales 252 HP/4 Def/252 Spe timid to take more hits. Replace its ice beam, nasty plot, and moonblast with freeze-dry to cover water, hypnosis to put opponents to sleep, and encore to get yourself free turns. Give Lucario justified in case you switch into a dark attack. Replace its high jump kick, earthquake, and ice punch with close combat for more accuracy, swords dance to raise physical attack and sweep, and bullet punch to hit faster opponents. Replace Feraligatr's waterfall with liquidation for more power.

1 Answer

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I noticed you got plenty of physical attackers on your team, so it would be a shame if your opponent had a pokemon with Intimidate. To counter that problem, why don't you replace Roost with Haze on your Crobat and hold a Big Root for reliable recovery. As for Goodra... I don't see why you'd want to make it a sweeper. If you want to play it like that, you might as well invest 252 evs into your speed stat like most sweepers with a base stat of 80. If you don't mind, why not make it a special tank? In order for Goodra to be effective at that, invest 132 evs in Def, 126 in Hp, and 252 in sptk of course; then give it an Assault Vest since yours doesn't have any status moves anyway. On top of that, why don't you replace Ice Beam with Thunder Bolt so that you have some coverage against Water types, which I find very lacking in your team. Other than that, I think you did a nice job.

Big roots are far less reliable than black sludges because a lot of Pokemon resist giga drain. Also, Crobat doesn't care about being intimidated, so why should IT have haze? Why would you put EVs in Goodra's physical defense when putting those EVs in HP makes it better at taking physical AND special hits? Ice beam is good on Goodra because it covers several common types, like ground. The move that thunderbolt replaces should be muddy water.
Oh, sorry my mind has been in doubles lately.  Unless your in doubles, Haze is useless.
No, it can be pretty useful in singles. Most Toxapexes in OU know haze because it stops setup attackers like swords dance Kartana.