Pokémon Rate My Team
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What do you think about my Showdown team (1-10)?
I do mean whit "1-10" that you need to say 1 really bad, 2 bad 3 nah and that stuff.
If you want to know, my Showdown account is TheWhiteTiger727
In Showdown all your Pokémon (only not in a Random Battle) need to be Level 100 so I ain't gonna put level 100

So welcome to my Uber team:

1.Venusaur@Venusaurite EVs: or something HP252 Attack148 Defense108
Ability: Thick Fat, before MegaEvolving Clorophyll
Seed Bomb
Sludge Bomb

2.Darkrai@Focus Shash EVs: HP220 Sp.Attack144 Speed144
Ability:Bad Dreams
Ice Beam
Spacial Rend
Dark Void
Dream Eater

3.Kyorge@BlueOrb EVs: HP100 Sp.Attack156 Defense90 Sp.Defense200
Ability:Primordial Sea
Origin Pulse
Iron Head

ArceusNormal@King's Rock EVs: HP84 Attack84 Defense84 Sp.Attack84 Sp.Defense84 Speed88
Nature: Hasty
Aqua Tail
Draco Meteor

DuskManeNecrozma@UltranecroziumZ EVs: HP176 Attack148 Speed184
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Prism Armor
Sunsteel Strike
Stone Edge
Photon Geyser

Zygarde@Assault Vest EVs: HP252 Attack200 Defense8 Sp.Defense48
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Power Construct
Thousand Arrows
Draco Meteor
Land's Wrath
Iron Tail

I had a lot of fun with editing this! :)

-SYL, SmartYoungsterLorika or just Lorika
I'll see you next time!

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No, this team is pretty improve-able. Just replace Venusaur and Darkrai with Ferrothorn for stealth rock and Yveltal for better stats. Give Kyogre 4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe timid to outspeed more stuff. Replace its thunderbolt, protect, and iron head with ice beam to cover grass and dragon, thunder for more power and impossibility to miss, and calm mind to raise special attack. Give Arceus a Chople berry to check Marshadow and 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def adamant to hit harder. Teach it swords dance to raise physical attack and sweep, extreme speed to move first and one-shot stuff regardless of speed, shadow claw to cover ghost, and earthquake to cover steel. Replace Necrozma's stone edge with swords dance to raise physical attack. Give Zygarde a leftovers and 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD impish for more bulk. Replace its draco meteor, land's wrath, and iron tail with rest to heal, glare to let the opponent more easily activate power construct, and dragon tail to prevent opponents from setting up.
Badrat I never had such an amazing thing to read about Pokémon thx.
Thanks sumwun but I would also want the EVs and natures for the different pokémon.
And did you like my editing?
This is what I'd suggest:
Ferrothorn: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD sassy
Yveltal: 4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe timid
Kyogre: 4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe timid
Arceus: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def adamant
Necrozma: 176 HP/148 Atk/184 Spe adamant
Zygarde: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD impish
k thx.

1 Answer

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Best answer

I would rate your team a 6 or 7 right now. You actually don’t have enough problems to justify writing out your new team here, so instead I’ll type out any improvements here. Rest on Venasaur-Mega is extremely useless when Giga Drain, Synthesis, and Leech Seed are all better recovery moves. Out of these 3, I would pick Synthesis for its instantaneous and non damage based recovery. Giga Drain over Seed Bomb, because earthquake is really the only physical move Venasaur-Mega likes to use, and Giga Drain offers mediocre recovery on top of acceptable base power and STAB. Thanks to the Dark Void nerf, Dark Void only has 50% accuracy now, making Hypnosis a better sleep option for Darkrai. Ice Beam doesn’t offer great coverage; swap it out for Nasty Plot to set up on your opponent as they are sleeping, and even if they wake up, sash will kick in. There’s no point in investing in HP or Special Defense on Darkrai as he’s infamously frail and already has a Focus Sash anyways, the only time HP EVs will help you is when Stealth Rocks is on your side of the field, but he’s so frail he’lol get OHKOd even with HP EVs after stealth rocks. Go for 252 Spe/252 SpA/4 SpD for more damage and speed. In the rain, Thunder has infinite accuracy, and Kyogre’s ability keeps heavy rain in constant effect as long as Kyogre is on field, so swap Thunderbolt for Thunder for higher accuracy, better damage, and 30% chance to paralyze whereas Thunderbolt only ah is a 10% chance. As Iron Head is a physical move, it is terrible on a Modest Nature Kyogre, who has relatively low Attack in the first place, combined with a 10% drop in attack due to Modest Nature. Switch Iron Head for Ice Beam for coverage against Grass Types. King’s Rock is absolutely ridiculous on any Pokémon really, with very few exceptions, and unfortunately Arceus is not one of those exceptions. Switch King’s Rock with Leftovers for residual recovery, and change his move pool to Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Shadow Claw, and Substitute. Then change his EVs to 240 HP/252 Atk/16 Spe. You’re Zygarde literally has everything wrong with it so I’ll just give you your new set
Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
Impish Nature
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 Def
- Thousand Arrows
- Rest
- Toxic
- Dragon Tail

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Yeah I see people commenting i needed to use that other Electric move but I thought I picked Thunder lol and thx for TIP dude. And did you like my editing?
im improving with teams right?
I see sumwun editing everything I post but he does't change something and he lets the typos be there. Is sumwun trolling me?