Pokémon Rate My Team
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My Oras UU team was this:

Crawdaunt @ choice band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: Hp and atk
adamant nature
- Aqua jet
- knock off
- crabhammer
- aerial ace

Empoleon @ leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: hp and spatk
modest nature
- Defog
- ice beam
- scald
- flash cannon

Mowtom @ choice scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: speed and spatk
timid nature
- Trick
- volt switch
- leaf storm
- willowisp

Mega Beedrill @ Beedrillite
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: speed and atk
jolly nature
- Uturn
- poison jab
- drill run
- knock off

Nidoqueen @ life orb
Ability: Sheer force
EVs: hp and spatk
modest nature
- Stealth rock
- sludge wave
- earth power
- flamethrower

Last but not least the star of my team
Metagross @ weakness policy
EVs: Clear body
EVs: Enough speed that double means I outspeed mega aero, 128 hp and the rest atk
bold nature
- Agility
- meteor mash
- earthquake
- thunderpunch

I loved it's light setup and momentum control as well as crawdaunts busted cleaning and breaking ability. Trick stopped walls, and empoleon was a heavy wall if I needed a middle ground.
Metagross was meant to agility turn one, get hit supersffectively, activate wp, then SWEEEEP.
Any ideas how to bring this back to the meta now? Update moves, evs if I need to plz. Thanks in advance

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So you want to use this team in Generation 7?
Yes that's the idea. Prefably uu tier if it's still possible

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