Pokémon Rate My Team
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Is it good or should i change something?
Every team have a weakness though.
ThankYou ^^

Peliper Bold
Hold item : DampRock
Moveset : Hurricane, Defog, U-Turn, Roost
EVs : 252 Hp 252 Def 6 Speed

Kingdra Modest SwiftSwim
Hold item : ChoiceSpecs
Moveset : IceBeam, Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Surf
EVs : 252 Sp.a 252 Speed 6 Def

Tornadus Therian Timid Regenerator
Hold Item : Lifeorb
Moveset : Hurricane, U-turn, Knock Off, Focus Blast
EVs : 252 Sp.a 252 Speed 6 Hp

Ferrothorn Careful Iron Barb
HoldItem : Leftlovers
Moveset : Power Whip, Stealth Rock, Protect, Leech Seed
EVs : 252 Hp 252 Sp.Def 6 Def

Crawdaunt Adap Adamant
Hold item : ChoiceBand
Moveset : Aqua Jet, Crunch, Crabhammer, KnockOff
EVs : 252 Atk 252 Speed 6 HP

Landorus Therian Intermediate Jolly
Hold Item : Choice Scarf
Move Set : Earthquake, U-Turn, Stone Edge, Knock Off
EVs : 252 Atk 252 Speed 6 Def

What format/rules are you playing with?
It's OU i think? because I'm so new to pokemon game that have PvP system..
I think too many knock offs. My suggestion would be to replace knock off on Landorus with stealth rock and use it as your lead. I would also suggest replacing Crawdaunt with Mega Swampert since it is a pokemon that relies on rain. Here is my suggested Mega Swampert

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Hammer Arm

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