Pokémon Rate My Team
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EDIT: I'm feeling like switching Cinderace for Terrakion after a bit of trials. I don't necessarily need the STAB steel, fire, flying and fighting - I'm currently struggling to take out fire types. Terrakion would probably help a bit here. Tell me your thoughts please!

Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 4 HP / 168 Atk / 140 SpD / 108 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Behemoth Blade
- Play Rough
- Sacred Sword
- Protect

Dracovish @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fishious Rend
- Outrage
- Psychic Fangs
- Crunch

Incineroar @ Assault Vest [EDITED INCINEROAR]
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 100 HP / 204 Def / 160 SpD / 44 Spe
Impish Nature
- Drain Punch
- Flare Blitz
- Lash Out
- Fake Out

Dragapult @ Focus Sash
Ability: Clear Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Hex
- Will-O-Wisp
- Beat up

Terrakion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
- Protect
- Rock Slide
- Close Combat
- Iron Head

Togekiss @ Babiri Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 244 HP / 204 Def / 16 SpD / 44 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect
- Follow Me

I'm expecting a lot of hyper offense in the Battle of the legends, assuming that teams will literally guard their legendaries with all sorts of crazy things such as 3 Redirectors and one Legendary or simply GMAX Cinderace + Legendary users. Once again, the ubers/big 10 is back again. For the Battle of the Legends, I decided to build around Zacian.

Obvioiusly, I don't want to use a life orb or choice band Zacian because it would use up an item which could be valuable for the other mons. Plus, Rusted Sword gives Zacian a colossal 170 base stat attack and 148 speed - I appreciate that.
The reason for going with Zacian instead of Zamazenta is because I believe the attack boost is much more beneficial in comparison to a defense boost.
I'm expecting a lot of Lunalas and Mewtwos and thus, the EVs in bulk allows it to live them (except for fire attacks). Speed is to outspeed Timid Mewtwo, which I believe is enough.
Zacian is a huge punisher for dynamaxing as shown with base 200 Behemoth Blade.
Play rough is for STAB and pretty much essential.
I didn't want to use close combat because it would ruin the entire purpose of me investing in bulk.
Protect is for them plays.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragapult Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 112-132 (67 - 79%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Max Mindstorm vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 140-165 (83.8 - 98.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Lunala Max Phantasm vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 130-153 (77.8 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Solgaleo Max Flare vs. 0 HP / 92 Def Zacian-Crowned: 148-176 (88.6 - 105.3%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Teravolt Zekrom Bolt Strike vs. 0 HP / 92 Def Zacian-Crowned: 144-172 (86.2 - 102.9%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Necrozma Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 114-135 (68.2 - 80.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Necrozma Max Quake vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 126-150 (75.4 - 89.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Magearna Max Steelspike vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 125-148 (74.8 - 88.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Rhyperior High Horsepower vs. 0 HP / 92 Def Zacian-Crowned: 152-182 (91 - 108.9%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Eternatus Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 140 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 125-148 (74.8 - 88.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dynamax Kyurem: 712-844 (178 - 211%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 162-192 (79.4 - 94.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Dynamax Magearna: 290-344 (77.5 - 91.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 176 HP / 4 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 195-231 (91.9 - 108.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dragapult: 207-244 (126.9 - 149.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dragapult: 372-440 (228.2 - 269.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mewtwo: 177-208 (97.7 - 114.9%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Lunala: 178-211 (83.9 - 99.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after shadow shield is broken. Otherwise:
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Shadow Shield Lunala: 89-105 (41.9 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Play Rough vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Dynamax Zekrom: 254-300 (72.1 - 85.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 168+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Play Rough vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Zekrom: 254-300 (144.3 - 170.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Your standard Scarfed Dracovish. It outspeed Cinderace, which is a big threat to my Zacian and can successfully OHKO it.

Absolutely crucial in this tournament. However, a dilemma that arose to me was whetherI should run parting shot Incineroar. However, AV allows it to become extremely bulky specially, which it appreciates a lot. The moves are pretty self explanatory and once again, not close combat or else it ruins the point of Incineroar's bulk.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Lunala Focus Blast vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 144-170 (78.6 - 92.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Close Combat vs. 100 HP / 204+ Def Incineroar: 148-176 (80.8 - 96.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Focus Blast vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 158-186 (86.3 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Solgaleo Close Combat vs. 100 HP / 204+ Def Incineroar: 126-150 (68.8 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Meteor Beam vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 136-162 (74.3 - 88.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 140+ Def Incineroar: 166-198 (82.1 - 98%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat vs. 100 HP / 204+ Def Incineroar: 156-187 (85.2 - 102.1%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Turboblaze Reshiram Focus Blast vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 156-184 (85.2 - 100.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

Zacians and Zamazentas will be flying everywhere. I definitely wanted to use a burner - which Dragapult does perfectly.
It's a normal Hex Dragapult with focus sash so the investments don't really matter in bulk.
Flamethrower so I can actually hit Zacian/Zamazenta for super effective damage and my luck is always terrible with fire blast.
Additionally, dynamaxed Lunala would be a big threat to the team. With Shadow Shield, it can successfully live at least two turns, not to mention the probable Comfeys running around alongside it, using floral healing. Thus, I devised of a tactic to counter it by using Will-o-wisp to remove the Shadow Shield, followed by hex:
252+ SpA Dragapult Hex (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Dynamax Lunala: 388-460 (91.5 - 108.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
note that burn does 12.5%

Beat up is for:

Not too sure on this guy. I like the gimmick for the unexpected beat up. However, however hard I look and try and make a calc, this guy literally cripples to everything. Need help on this one!

Togekiss can help redirect (as we all know), and can work pretty well alongside Dracovish. The set is pretty standard, unless there are any objections which I am unaware of. I'm not too sure of the optimal teammate for togekiss. However, one question I have in mind is: Does using follow me affect Drarcovish's Fishious Rend?
Nonetheless, here are the calcs:
252+ Atk Choice Band Terrakion Rock Slide vs. 244 HP / 204+ Def Togekiss: 164-194 (85.8 - 101.5%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Wild Charge vs. 244 HP / 204+ Def Togekiss: 160-190 (83.7 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 244 HP / 204+ Def Babiri Berry Togekiss: 133-157 (69.6 - 82.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Zamazenta Wild Charge vs. 244 HP / 204+ Def Togekiss: 132-156 (69.1 - 81.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Lunala Max Phantasm vs. 244 HP / 16 SpD Togekiss: 144-172 (75.3 - 90%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Solgaleo Max Steelspike vs. 244 HP / 204+ Def Babiri Berry Togekiss: 129-152 (67.5 - 79.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Solgaleo Max Lightning vs. 244 HP / 204+ Def Togekiss: 172-203 (90 - 106.2%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Max Mindstorm vs. 244 HP / 16 SpD Togekiss: 157-187 (82.1 - 97.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Some gimmicks I might run:
1) Dragapult + Terrakion.
Protect with Terrakion on turn 1 and Will-o-wisp to reduce damage.
If it's DMAX Lunala - Dragapult will be faster and it will definitely K.O with hex on turn 2 after WoW.
If it's Zacian/Zamzeneta - Protecc on turn 1, will-o-wisp. Turn 2 - Dynamax Terrakion. Now it might be able to live a hit (with correct investment).
If it's DMAX Mewtwo, DMAX Dragapult and use Max Phantasm which should deal 55+%. If their Mewtwo is faster, it's Timid Mewtwo. They would most likely use Max Mindstorm next turn too, so switch Incineroar. If Dragapult is faster, just continue wallbreaking with Terrakion (Rock Slide).

2) Incineroar + Zacian
This should be against other Zacian/Zamazenta/Eternatus. Fake out pressure and wallbreak with Zacian.

Please advise me on some other leads and roles for each mon. Thanks!

edited by
Your EV spreads seem really random and aimless. Is there any purpose behind them or did you just pick random numbers?
252+ SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Fire Blast vs. 92 HP / 244 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 146-174 (81.5 - 97.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned: 153-181 (85.4 - 101.1%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Close C

ombat vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned: 151-178 (84.3 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Reshiram Blue Flare vs. 92 HP / 244 SpD Zacian-Crowned in Rain: 146-174 (81.5 - 97.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Cinderace-Gmax G-Max Fire Ball vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned in Rain: 143-172 (79.8 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Not much others threaten Zacian.

252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Psystrike vs. 104 HP / 20 Def Pelipper: 122-146 (82.4 - 98.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Psychic vs. 104 HP / 244 SpD Pelipper: 122-146 (82.4 - 98.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Won't put Zeraora/Zekrom in here because I won't even think about leading with Pelipper against it.
Unless they have Wild Charge, Legendary dogs won't kill Pelipper at all.
-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Rhyperior Rock Slide vs. 104 HP / 24 Def Pelipper: 127-151 (85.8 - 102%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Tyranitar Rock Slide vs. 104 HP / 24 Def Pelipper: 125-148 (84.4 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
16+ SpA Pelipper Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 20 SpD Tyranitar in Rain: 198-234 (95.6 - 113%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
*so we don't have to mention Rhyperior
I admit that Electrics will kill this bird but that's his calcs.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Focus Blast vs. 124 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 158-186 (84.9 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Kingdra Max Geyser vs. 124 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 159-190 (85.4 - 102.1%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
-1 252+ Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Close Combat vs. 124 HP / 0+ Def Incineroar: 152-180 (81.7 - 96.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
*looking at it now, I might have to add a bit more investment in Incineroar's defense against Zacian if they use close combat but here is secret sword:*
252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Sacred Sword vs. 124 HP / 0+ Def Incineroar: 136-162 (73.1 - 87%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I gtg now but Cinderace and Rillaboom's EVs may need some working on too. Thanks for raising the fact that I had some flaws in my calcs. Also, I know it seems weird for my spreads to not be 252 attack and 252 speed. However, I believe having the same spreads as everyone else won't get you far into the tournament. Instead, you should try and tackle the Meta. And that's what I am doing.
Drrrrragapult, Cinnnnnderace, Inceroar and Rillaboom are all still banned, so you will have to rethink your team a bit. Sorry.
I think you might have a misunderstanding!
No, this isn't ranked battles. This is the Battle of the Legends! For more information, please check here! (unless I read it wrong...)
If no one is going to answer, mods can take this question down -w-
I don't really like the incineroar set. If you do run assault vest you should probably run something not unlike what they did in 2019:

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SpD     because i am too lazy to run calcs
Sassy Nature
-Fake Out
-Flare Blitz

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