Pokémon Rate My Team
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Pheromosa @ Choice Band
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-Turn
- Outrage
- High Jump Kick
- Triple Axel

Role: Damage
First of all, you must be thinking why Outrage? She really hits very hard with that, beeing able to take down Pokémons like Regidrago, Dragpult, Dracovish and more. U-turn for complicate situations, High Jump Kick and Axel are her primary moves

Metagross @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Steel Roller
- Meteor Mash
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

Role: Damage, Dynamax Setup
Metagross is a very good pair with Pheromosa. He can set up attack and defense stats with Dynamax, cause massive damage, and one-shot Tapu's since they're very present in the actual metagame.

Tapu Fini @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Muddy Water
- Icy Wind
- Protect

Role: Switch In, Speed Control, Damage
Tapu Fini is a great fit. She can switch in so good from Pheromosa, she can control speed with Icy Wind, prevent status with Misty Surge (which can be used with Metagross if needed as well)

Incineroar (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- U-turn
- Will-O-Wisp
- Fake Out
- Flare Blitz

Role: Damage Control
Beeing able to Intimidate and spam U-Turn is very good, also use Will-O-Wisp to cause residual damage and control Pokémon like Metagross and Dragpult

Thundurus-Therian @ Choice Specs
Ability: Volt Absorb
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Sludge Wave
- Focus Blast
- Flash Cannon

Role: Dynamax Setup, Damage
Thundurus is a good switch and pair to Tapu Fini, beeing able to set Sp.Atk with Max Ooze or Def. with Steelspike (or Eletric Terrain to Metagross, and attack for Pheromosa and Tsareena)

Tsareena @ Wide Lens
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Triple Axel
- Power Whip
- Helping Hand
Role: Fake Out control, Damage
Queenly Majesty is such an underrated ability, since it prevents things like Fake Out. Tsareena can catch bad opponents off guard, by denying priority and hitting them with that High Jump Kick.


1 Answer

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I have a few suggestions.

First, Pheromosa does not match up well with the metagame at all right now. There are tons of fairy and especially flying types running around, plus intimidate, not to mention dragapult outspeeds adamant pheromosa and often has max airstream. I'd take it off the team.

Metagross is a really strong Pokemon but you don't need Steel Roller or Hammer Arm. A ground type move and protect is the best. If you want to YOLO, you can use thunder punch, fire punch, or zen headbutt. Also, iron head is more consistent than Meteor Mash.

Tapu fini is a really good Pokemon in general, it looks fine.

Incineroar's a good Pokemon too, but you can't use Wil-o-wisp and assault vest. Either give it a figy berry (in which case, use parting shot instead of U-turn) or use Darkest Lariat, Snarl, or Burning Jealousy.

Thundurus, however, is outclassed by a lot of different electric types and it's not worth using your Dynamax on weak, unSTAB max moves to power up its partners, so I'd get rid of it too.

Finally, Tsareena. Sure, Queenly Majesty is useful but there are lots of other ways to play around Fake out, like protect and Dynamax. If you really want to avoid fake out, Indeedee-F sets up psychic terrain which does the same thing, plus Indeedee offers follow me, which is amazing support. It also is a great lead with metagross to power up max mindstorm/zen headbutt and protect it from ghost types. If you just want an offensive grass type, Rillaboom is much better than Tsareena.

This is shaping up to look like a Metagross Goodstuffs Team, so you'll really want a way to activate the policy on Metagross. There are two main ways to do this- Brutal Swing Tornadus and Bulldoze. Tornadus can usually work with the rest of the team better for more speed control. My favorite bulldoze users are Salamence, Raikou, Glastrier, and Dugtrio, but I'd recommend Tornadus. Since it has prankster tailwind, you'll want to invest more in speed for Metagross.

Really, you have your 3-Pokemon Core of Metagross, Tornadus, and Indeedee-F, and you can choose three more Pokemon that work best for you. I think that Tapu Fini, Incineroar, Urshifu, or Regidrago would be really strong with this team composition. My top picks right now would probably be Regidrago, because it is a monster in tailwind and follow me support to keep Dragon Energy strong (You can run heal pulse on Indeedee too if you want), plus Metagross takes care of steel and fairy types that annoy Regidrago, as well as Urshifu-Single Strike, because it helps greatly against Metagross mirrors and also Celesteela, and finally Incineroar, for good general support. I'm leaning away from Fini and Rillaboom mostly because you already have terrain, but Fini is a great Pokemon in general.

Hopefully this helps!


edited by
You have two sashes, so I'd put sitrus berry on Tornadus
Oops! Ursifu appreciates the sash more so Sitrus Berry, mental herb or Yache/Wacan Berry are all good on Tornadus. The only thing is it might not be bulky enough to best use a sitrus berry. Edited, thanks!