So recently I have been teaching myself the workings of the uber metagame, mostly by battling as many people as possible. The team that I have made to reap the souls of all who stand against me is not perfect, but I am extremely pleased with it. In 10 battles with this team I:
Won 5 times
Forced 2 forfeits
And lost 3 times
I count the forfeits as wins because the person knew that they were going to lose, (both times they had like 2 weakened Pokemon left, and I had almost a full team) and forfeited just to get it over with.
Now, let's meet the troops
Deoxys-S / Life orb

EVs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 4 HP
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Pressure
Magic coat
Stealth rock
Spikes and stealth rock are freaking annoying, especially when stacked, and that's what this guy does best, spike stacking. Magic coat can be used to reflect hazards, but I usually use it to bounce back status, and with his speed, magic coat is a great move for him, especially since status moves are fairly easy to predict. Superpower is solely for outspeeding and OHKO'ing darkrai.
Excadrill / expert belt

EVs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 4 HP
Nature: jolly
Ability: sand rush
Swords dance
Brick break
Rapid spin
The only thing keeping excadrill on this team is his resistance to rocks, and his immunity to toxic spikes paired with his spinning capabilities.
He is constantly OHKO'd as soon as he is switched in, so if you could provide a better set for offensive spinning, or a suggestion for a more durable spinner, please tell me.
Giratina-O / griseous orb

EVs: 252 HP, 128 atk, 128 spatk
Nature: I'm running brave right now but I'm thinking that should be changed
Ability: levitate
Shadow sneak
Aura sphere
Shadow sneak provided STAB and priority, mostly for finishing weakened opponents. Outrage is STAB, and can punch multiple dents in just about anything. Earthquake is just a filler, and aura sphere covers Ice and Dark types.
Palkia / Choice scarf

EVs: 252 spatk, 252 spd, 4 HP
Nature: modest/timid
Ability: Pressure
Fire Blast
Spacial Rend
Hydro Pump
Palkia hits like an artillery cannon, and his barrage usually starts raining chaos late game. Choice scarf allows makes him the fastest dragon in the tier, and he uses this to this speed to wreak destruction late game. Thunder hits kyogre incredibly hard, making it's water spout look like a splash. Fire blast hits Ferrothorn, Forretress, and Scizor for a boatload is damage, usually a KO. Spacial Rend is STAB, hitting with decent damage pretty much anywhere. Hydro pump is secondary STAB, and deals immense damage when it hits. (Credit to Blobyolo for this set)
Kyurem-B / Choice scarf

EVs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 4 HP
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Teravolt
Stone edge
Shadow Claw
Fusion Bolt
Kyurem-B is my favorite Pokemon on this team, due to the fact that his outrage can rip massive holes in enemy teams, devastating all opposition, crippling enemies, and sending the opponent into panic. Outrage is supremely powerful, reducing opponents to smithereens. And since he is scarfed, his outrage is fast to, only increasing the demolition. The scarf also allows him to 2HKO scarfogre, reducing its eater spout to a mere splash (I enjoy being repetitive). Stone edge and Shadow claw are purely fillers, in fact, I he has never even used either of them. I'm not even sure I have them on him, as they literally never get used.
Lugia - light clay

EVs: 252 spdef, 252 HP, 4 def
Nature: need help here
Ability: pressure
Lugia is my tried and true wall, and he's darn good at it too. It's almost impossible to put damage on him, especially with reflect, which is why I don't have many def EV's on him.
Toxic is for poisoning, while recover stalls, letting the poison slowly kill off the now doomed enemy. Roar is for phasing, and moves out steel and poison types, which resist toxic.
Well, there's my team, and probably the most competitive team I've ever made. Hope you like it!
Thanks in advance - Swagg